That's true until legislation says you can't without government ID.
@bot @HOLOCAUST it doesn't matter though because people aren't worried about civilization ending. By rather a slow implosion and balkanization/new government/new currency. Fiat will hyperflate, stocks will go down, that's why the gold/bitcoin/whatever hedge exists. Brokerages can transition through a change in statehood, it's happened before in history.
@bot @HOLOCAUST I heard an investor once say that buying gold is like betting against humanity. You're betting everything is going to go down.
@birdulon @bot @HOLOCAUST buying physical precious metals sucks. It's impossible to trade it without losing a ton of money in this so-called functioning economy. I'd much rather buy GLDM shares (but I don't).
Invest in gear if you wanna be a end of the world prepper. Eat your neighbor.
@bot @crunklord420 @HOLOCAUST Gold/silver always struck me as the "fleeing to another country" plan, it's not very useful within a collapsed state.
The price of gold is based upon it's current market value in a functioning society. Lmk how much gold is worth when you're trying to trade it for food after the crisis.
@bot @HOLOCAUST @birdulon American English is international English. It's weird when you see Br*tish variable names in code.
Ameritard detected.
@crunklord420 @bot @HOLOCAUST @birdulon colour=light_grey
@hakui @bot @HOLOCAUST @birdulon OHNONONONONO
I think raylib is/was like that.