@mint@Moon@sun@sunman@captainepoch Changing the AP ID will also prevent interaction with that account. Backend doesn't recognize it as an account properly in some cases and doesn't mention the account in any posts.
There is an MR in the backend that might be able to fix mangled nicknames like this, but I did not check if it really fixes this or it's for another issue.
@phnt@Moon@sun@sunman@captainepoch Well, changing the AP ID and inbox/outbox addresses. If pleroma sees an account with new AP ID but the same username@domain, it should fetch the new actor and rename the old one by prepending the flake ID. Happened countless times to verita84.
@phnt@Moon@captainepoch@sun@sunman The renamed account shouldn't be interacted with regardless, since the presence of a new actor indicates the old one is (usually) defunct.