Can't find my thread for exhibits of "hentai comic that's pornographic but more wholesome than every Hollywood movie made in the last 2 years" so I'll start this one fresh.
As always I'll say it's not good to watch/read pornography in any form, it's corrosive to many aspects of your life and makes your sex life a little tougher. But you shouldn't smoke or tweak on anything either, and everyone has some pet addiction. I just want to be clear I don't WANT you guys heading out to fall down the masturbatory rabbit hole if you can avoid it.
But, the wife and I like reading the cute ones sometimes as a bedtime snuggle story. She, like every zoomerette who "reads" basically loves lit-smut, and the vast majority of it is either unbearably cringe to us or painfully foreign to read.....anyways, I've got standing orders to show me anything cute and wholesome she finds while I'm away, and I got a new one to add to the pile