The denialism is strong with this big boy.
@hellhammer666 there's a lot of things that displayed in quick succession i don't know where to begin
>less than 20 lb in 3 months
>work at fast food
>mom is also fat
>mom likes to bitch and whine
unless that's his wife, which would be worse i feel
@ninja8tyu @hellhammer666 thsts his wife
She's the one saying his mom is gonna have to bury him
@ninja8tyu @hellhammer666 nvm that is his mom
@luithe @hellhammer666 so's her mom, from the looks of her lmao
these two don't look like they're going to lose weight together more than they are emptying the inventories of a buffet
@ninja8tyu @hellhammer666 buy loose leaf with some fruits in it or something like cold brew hibiscus like tomato did
@hellhammer666 >i didn't cut back on the soda pop
>because it's the hardest thing to give up
no wonder he's still fat lmfao, liquid sugar builds fat faster than termites and a mound
(not that i can say much i guess lol, sometimes i drink tea mixed with soda because the tea's too bitter for me by itself)
Yeah it's pretty clear he's not interested in losing weight.
@ninja8tyu @hellhammer666 literally just buy a strainer or any cheese cloth with loose leaf tea in it
Buy an electric kettle if you have room and have water boil below 180°f
Or do the old fashion way and just wait for the water to boil slightly fast before taking it off the stove
It's not hard to make good tea or tea that's passable
For cold brewing, ask tamamo on how to cold brew tea
@luithe @hellhammer666 i just take tea from work, i don't know how to make tea aside from pouring hot water on a leaf pouch
And he still's not losing weight, and continues to work at a fast food restaurant.
@hellhammer666 hearing the massive disappointment in the doctor's voice at the end of the appointment really just shows some people do not deserve sympathy at all
@luithe @hellhammer666 Just look up Amber Lyn Ried
ALR on youtube, she is beyond saving
@William_The_Dragonborn @hellhammer666 holy shit :pog_stare:
What a genuine train wreck
This reminds me of that one tiktok girl who said she "flavors" her water which was 7 bottles of nothing but pure sugar and syrup put into it :pog_stare:
@luithe @hellhammer666 Mr Snowflake has a whole playlist dedicated to her, she is the female ethan ralph