Notices by ninja8tyu (
i missed yugioh doing this crazy stuff
it was more like dungeons and dragons, kinda? back in the day
wish they'd bring back environmental mechanics into the game, would be cool as fuck
that's naruto
bro summoned the moon and destroyed it to win the game
i want this crazy shit back in my yugioh
this guy's also autistic
not literally, but like, imagine that a video-essayist-personality is one of the first major villains in a show
somehow is funny like that
is he retarded
what would make a christian-specific perspective about a game about sexy psycho lady interesting
jesus better let me grant salvation to her with my cock
three of my mods are trending
tbh i'm a fast learner, so all of her yapping about dances became really old really quickly, because i got the gist of everything in a second -- only thing i have to do is actually practice and dance
her voice is still cute though and i like to listen to it, and i like to watch her dance, albeit too fast for me to figure out by eye (and slowing it down doesn't make it any easier because of the momentum required to continue the dance/song)
without lines and shading, it has a nice style that i like
@Meemoo i don't want spyware, but it might be a good platform to learn practical applications of mandarin
that being said, most of my chinese is slurs and insults
is there a point in buying moisturizer if this acts like some omni-agent for the skin?
@Meemoo gotta admire that he knows how to use his audience in horrible ways and get away with it
the fuck is even going on :kekw:
how the fuck does minecraft of all things get so much drama
this is what happens when a woke DEI corp takes over a game
looking forward to minecraft 2 by notch, if he lets me gas jews in mc2, i will do giveaways of the game
@LoliHat that's what i heard, but would a literal penny of balance be enough to raise my score?
exactly how much would i actually need to increase my score while not having to risk paying any interest if i don't pay off the entire thing?
i remember hearing that my credit score goes down if i'm not willing to take on debt -- i don't pay off all my due credit, but instead have some payment always remaining
so like, would my credit score increase if i left a cent in there at all times?
as a prostitute sure maybe, but not as a wife
My fuckin' shift leads are 1000% kikes
Fuckin' goblins are trying to fire a bombergirl who hasn't even been here for a month yet because of earbuds
Hitler come back PLEASE
I do whatever I want.
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