I keep reading about Stonetoss getting doxed and the guy that did it had a fucking 99 tweet string about it? Also it involved a gab breach leading to the info. But the thing is I'm pretty sure he made total bank of the NFT pics he did back a year or so ago. Would this even have any effect on him? Also he seems to have a pretty large fanbase for his comics.
- luithe likes this.
@Wyatt The account that doxed him was a journalist? Because of course it was.
@Jim @Wyatt She tried to MeToo her boss after a bad date and lost her job at the Boston Globe.
Total scumbag. Her friends tried to bankrupt a guy I know (who ironically owns a metokur hat lol) and it failed and that's funny af. He got into their private antifa doxing channels, outed that they had fake and real Nazis in there to help them, and more.
She is friends with Antifash Gordon who got himself wrapped into a federal lawsuit and the result was they outed TORCH Antifa loooool. A lot of lore here. If you ever need to dig into it hmu faggot
@bitcoin @Wyatt Was this like a whole network of journalists doxing people they found problematic in discords?
@Jim I mean, Antifa are a bunch of subhuman psychos who might try to assassinate him, that ought to be the biggest concern. The fags won't be able to Cancel him if he holds strong, so that shouldn't stop him.