Finally forced to admit it, it's all downhill from here...
- luithe likes this.
> covid vax
> cause mad cow
At some point people will have to except that the modern theories of medicine are utter bullshit.
@hazlin mad human.
Mad cow only effects cows.
@hazlin @SpurgAnon Sadly we can relate gay western medicine to judeo-capitalism and wanting an endless stream of ill people to treat for profit.
Its literal rent seeking behavior, but with your body and pills.
I recall a piece of literature from the 1800's that stated severe burn victims could see rapid recover and regrowth of skin if put on a diet of raw eggs for several weeks during their recovery, now days they want to do major surgeries and graft skin onto the wounds. The Cholesterol in the raw egg yolks in a major building block for cells, but it gets demonized in modern health/medice as the cause of clots and heart attacks.
@dassauerkraut @SpurgAnon
I know someone who went on a diet of steaks after a head injury.
The brain fog and head aches that had plagued them for a long time, lifted after practicing this treatment method xD
(also, fruit seems to be counter indicated during their recovery period)
@hazlin @SpurgAnon Bibble verse that states "Beware their Sorcerers..." is an error in english because the original Greek was pharma, meaning beware the drug makers. Fucking everywhere everybody has warned at one point not so trust snake oil and the like.
@dassauerkraut @SpurgAnon so true.
> Doctors are men who prescribe medicines of which they know little, to cure diseases of which they know less, in human beings of whom they know nothing. ~ Voltaire
I feel like every day I find more evidence of this.
In fact, I can find effective medical practices that have been discarded, because they don't fit the germ/pharma paradigm.
Why use something that works, if it doesn't fit your theory!?