It goes beyond merely boosting women to actively sabotaging, taxing, and gaslighting men from a young age, I'd argue.
- Kenny Blankenship likes this.
@synapsid @Griffith @BroDrillard on the plus side, given how much marriage and fertility rates are dropping, we're gonna be looking at an explosion in wine aunts in the near future
@DW2 @synapsid @Griffith @BroDrillard Schadenfreude is not fun. You think Floydian Summer was bad? wait until the Prozac or the monthly visitor stops and see how bad things get. I know some wine aunts, and they become horrible creatures without children to care for.
@BowsacNoodle @synapsid @Griffith @BroDrillard Oh I know, but they deserve everything they're gonna get. It'll be something to see
All those wine aunts will vote for an incel tax, gun bans, and infinity+ niggers in between their bouts of hysteria and shrieking about how 'men are pigs'.
@synapsid @Griffith @BroDrillard @BowsacNoodle tbf that stuff is probably coming down the pike anyway, considering how brown and gay the under 40s-are.
Then again I wouldn't bet on BurgerLand making it to 2040
@DW2 @synapsid @Griffith @BroDrillard They deserve it, but it's going to be so destructive. I expect to see an uptick in kidnapping and wreckless "accidents" in public spaces.
@BowsacNoodle @synapsid @Griffith @BroDrillard We got a sneak peak of this a few years back with all the pussy hat marches. It's about as grim as you'd expect
@DW2 @synapsid @Griffith @BroDrillard I know how easy it is to get wrapped up in our bubble but it seriously seems like the rails are coming off. Apolitical people are making small talk with me about how screwed up everything is and how they don't know what to do because it's like a warzone culturally, politically, economically, etc.
@BowsacNoodle @synapsid @Griffith @BroDrillard Unless you're some mudrace on gibs or on Zog's NOG/Govt payroll, everyone will pretty much admit that shit sucks. IMO the only question is what the straw will be to break the camel's back
@DW2 @synapsid @Griffith @BroDrillard I want to shop NPC and soyjaks onto every one of those faces so much it's unreal.
@BowsacNoodle @DW2 @synapsid @Griffith @BroDrillard I've two words for niggas here. Watch your fucking babies. Antidepressant-addicted whores will try to kidnap them.