@SpurgAnon@RehnSturm256 I'm drinking an Indonisian black tea right now that's graded FOP. Its was about €5 for 75gram and its very tasty IMO.
With green tea you want to pay attention if its Chinese or Japanese. Chinese tea has a nutty flavor while japanese has a more grassy flavor. This has to do with production method. Chinese bake the leaves to seal the flavor while the japanese steam the leaves. There's also Gyokuro green tea which is dried in the shade.
Oh and you may absolutely not use water hotter than 80° Celsius or you ruin the flavor. With Gyokuro its even 70°.
@Tamamo@RehnSturm256 doesn't have to be that fancy, right @RehnSturm256? Looking for something mid grade and reasonably affordable, but good quality I'm assuming...
@Tamamo@RehnSturm256 dunno about that myself tbh, all I know is that British style black tea I had was trash compared to some full leaf and bud black (Red) tea from a Chinese farm.
@Tamamo@RehnSturm256 >earl Grey Basically. The farm stuff was massively better and a more floral taste and was overall sweeter, not needing milk or sugar at all.
@SpurgAnon@RehnSturm256 Pretty much everything in a bag bought in the supermarket is the lowest grade garbage there is regardless of brand.
Speaking floral taste, a shop here sells a blend called Sensha silver flower which is japanese green tea with rose petals. Its good. Also really good in the summer when when served cold with ice. Gotta experiment with times and how much you use or the taste can be overwhelming. Then again that stuff is all personal taste. :ina_nod:
@SpurgAnon@RehnSturm256 Speaking of serving cold. Try making Mugicha (Barley Tea). Its fucking delicious in the summer and easy to make. Its healthy too.
@luithe@RehnSturm256@SpurgAnon I got into tea when i stopped drinking softdrinks. Never looked back. Tea is so versatile and fun to experiment with.
Bought Hibiscus tea once and thought it was disgusting. Someone suggested cold brewing the Hibiscus tea instead and it was delicious. Cold brewing results in a completely different flavor. Kinda sweet and acidic. Its really refreshing when drinking ice cold on a hot day.
@Tamamo@RehnSturm256 I really want to try this one puerh that comes in a orange rind... it looks super good and a lower grade puerh made me fan, so....
@Tamamo@luithe@RehnSturm256 for me it's the acid issue. I have to drop acidic stuff or it's gonna harm me due to a health issue, so it's time to go full tea mode.
@SpurgAnon@RehnSturm256 A tip for high quality tea is that you can brew it multiple times. Often drawing out new/more flavor.
Also if you like the earthy/nutty flavor of puerh you can also try roasted Kukicha (twig tea), Hojicha (roasted green tea) and Genmacha (green tea mixed with roasted rice). Some Oolongs are also on the earthy/nutty side.
@Tamamo@SpurgAnon@luithe thx guys I got some tea today to try it out :blobcattea: earl gay, Moroccan mint, chamomile, & sencha green. The place either didn’t have some of the ones you mentioned or they were expensive, but these I will try it out. Get myself into the habit of brewing it.