So why is ActivityPub bad? Why does it have to go? Well put it this way, it all comes down to one thing: posting careers.
Just like how a moderator bought SomethingAwful to keep the posting careers of the users there alive (literally now takes you right to the forums and not the old comedy site LowT built that drew people to the forums unless you click it), Mastodon/Twitter users love their posting careers. It's why having your entire posting career being nuked upon a ban is such an effective punishment, as opposed to forums which would just cross your name out. And right now, if a Mastodon server goes down you can transfer many of your followers, but your posting career of tweets that won't age poorly at all is gone.
But hey. At least there's bsky with extra censorship to fight "misinfo". This is why the network protocol of bsky is so complicated, censorship has to be baked into the protocol. image.png
You can totally run a PDS on anything, but more importantly you don't need to worry about being a janny. Someone else will.
You could say this takes control away, but this is intended for mastodongers not us. It's every single bad fedi moderation idea in a nutshell.
This is confirmed with the page on algorithms, and how users of it so desperately want their algorithm and their posting career. They want Twitter but without Tesla man. image.png image.png image.png
As of today, atproto does not currently federate. It also lacks DMs, not even the fakeass idea of DMs known as "post scopes". But the funnier part is how the protocol is such a goddamn clusterfuck compared to activitypub. image.png image.png
Oh yes interaction gating, the thing that led exactly to quote tweet dunking on Twitter because some open sex pest/evil corporation would be saying something fucktarded only to get mocked in the replies. image.png
Two things that make BSky different from fedi are the idea of a "universal username" as opposed to username/domain, and more importantly they love the idea of an algorithm (but not the evil meanie one).
Essentially bsky is for the NPC who cares about his posting career, but wants to be fed slop. He does not remember how pissed Twitter was when the regular timeline got replaced with the algorithmic timeline. image.png
@Pawlicker Bluesky is for retards who fell for Gargron's schtick without realizing Fedi works far better for our side than theirs and need something else with all their gay buzzwords but still has a janny to run to.
@Pawlicker The whole point of the internet is for retards to laugh at other retards. If you can't reply, you quote. If you can't quote, you screencap. As long as the lolcows are there, the milk will find a way to flow.
@icedquinn this is all in theory because right now bsky is a monolithic site and all the artists getting jannied is gonna move them to or back to Twitter. :D
@ArdainianRight@Pawlicker Screenshots aren't a reliable way to archive content. They can be faked with a photo editing tool or the inspect element feature in most web browsers.