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So why is ActivityPub bad? Why does it have to go? Well put it this way, it all comes down to one thing: posting careers.
Just like how a moderator bought SomethingAwful to keep the posting careers of the users there alive (literally now takes you right to the forums and not the old comedy site LowT built that drew people to the forums unless you click it), Mastodon/Twitter users love their posting careers. It's why having your entire posting career being nuked upon a ban is such an effective punishment, as opposed to forums which would just cross your name out. And right now, if a Mastodon server goes down you can transfer many of your followers, but your posting career of tweets that won't age poorly at all is gone.
But hey. At least there's bsky with extra censorship to fight "misinfo". This is why the network protocol of bsky is so complicated, censorship has to be baked into the protocol.