@nicholas_saunders @thetechtutor @aral
>>...you don't specify what military action would've been legal following the #AlAqsaFlood operation.<<
My criticisms of Israel are not based on rule of law.
Focusing specifically on a hypothetical response to that particular event alone ignores the long history of Israel's occupation, oppression, apartheid, and its part in creating Hamas in the first place.
As someone who is not a military planner I'm not sure what the point would be of my speculation. But I do insist that Israel should not be killing children and other innocent people.
I may not have all the military-grade answers on how to defend against terrorists without killing kids but I'm pretty sure that dropping 2,000 lb dumb bombs in crowded civilian neighborhoods (for example) does not show genuine intent to limit civilian casualties. I've also watched videos of Palestinians with white flags, even following IDF instructions, being shot down in cold blood for no legitimate reason. I might suggest that's another thing that should stop.