@Saber @EssentialUtinsil @WashedOutGundamPilot @dickflatteningenthusiast The example I like to bring up is the time I installed an EV charger in nowhereville TX for the power company. It was at a substation which had a small service shack attached. Most of their service centers employ a dozen or so linemen, a couple CSRs, some meter readers, and a storekeeper.
This service center had ONE lineman. The building wasn't air conditioned and the highway was the only paved street in town. It was 60 miles from the next town, 75 from [regional economic center], and about 150 from our shop (getting paid 5 hours of drive time for a 10 hour day was actually kind of nice). His territory was 300 miles E-W and about 50 north-south. They wanted to take his F-350 and replace it with an F-150 Lightning. Pulling a trailer he wouldn't have made it halfway across his service area without having to charge, and the charger we were installing was the only one in the service area.