('s status on Thursday, 11-Jan-2024 06:14:54 JST
>Revelation 13:16-17: And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads, and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Cloudflare is the Antichrist.
Screenshot_20240110_234519.png- † top dog :pedomustdie: likes this.
lunarised ('s status on Thursday, 11-Jan-2024 06:54:42 JST lunarised
@mint my take (a file ive used 30 times before) likes this. -
('s status on Thursday, 11-Jan-2024 07:18:50 JST
@childrapist1488 I know, it's just first thing that came to mind when I was looking for cuckflared page. -
childrapist1488 ('s status on Thursday, 11-Jan-2024 07:18:52 JST childrapist1488
went to homepage award (you can bypass this by going to a specific board) likes this. -
Tadano ❄️🎅 ('s status on Friday, 29-Mar-2024 00:42:59 JST Tadano ❄️🎅
@mint checks out ngl likes this. -
Tsuki ('s status on Friday, 29-Mar-2024 00:54:06 JST Tsuki
cloudflare had pretty much killed all desire to post there anymore. I usually need to solve the cloudflare capcha, wait 60 seconds then also solve the 4ch capcha, then I forgot I was actually connected to my vpn so I need to do that all over again. likes this. -
('s status on Friday, 29-Mar-2024 00:55:09 JST
@Tsuki There's apparently another way but you have to go through a different humiliation ritual.
Снимок экрана_20240328_185443.p… -
[TDK] Digital Cheese ('s status on Friday, 29-Mar-2024 14:51:21 JST [TDK] Digital Cheese
@mint you can get around it if you know what board you want to go to (such as typing instead of just selecting literature) but it's still bullshit.
CloudFlare is gay. likes this. -
('s status on Friday, 29-Mar-2024 14:51:38 JST
@DigitalCheese Yeah, I know that, it's just the first example of page with that check I came up with. -
[TDK] Digital Cheese ('s status on Friday, 29-Mar-2024 22:41:22 JST [TDK] Digital Cheese
@mint 4chan is becoming even gayer.
Ryona Agency > 4chan likes this.