@noyoushutthefuckupdad @mischievoustomato @Moon @coolboymew @mangeurdenuage @iwillbite Reminder that a lot of GamerGate "moderates" got really offended if you didn't play pretend with the pedophile Groomer's fake gender identity. Interesting priorities.
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@ChristiJunior @mischievoustomato @Moon @coolboymew @mangeurdenuage @noyoushutthefuckupdad @iwillbite
GG solidified some valuable lessons for me. In no particular order:
Reddit was a mistake.
Stop preordering videogames.
Yes, even games journos are scum with no hope of redemption.
''LGBT'' always includes an invisible ''P".
Reddit and pre-Elon twitter taught me tolerance was a mistake.
@brimshae @mischievoustomato @Moon @coolboymew @mangeurdenuage @noyoushutthefuckupdad @iwillbite I wrote a similar list a while ago, about the lessons I learned from GamerGate:
- Fuck Muh PR
- Fuck Muh Moral High Ground
- The journos and the media will always be the Enemy, until you Win.
- Victory at all costs
- Always assume bad faith on part of the Enemy
- Never counter-signal your extremists and shock troops
- Never try to be fair to or give credit to your Enemies
- Effectiveness over Ethics
- Never correct misinformation that benefits your cause, you don't have to spread it, just don't debunk it if it's doing damage to the Enemy.
- Centrists are cowards and cancer
- False Equivalence always benefits the Enemy
- ALWAYS exploit "SJW tactics" when they benefit your cause
- Boycott, Blacklist and Cancel SJWs
- Don't excessively Purityfag, but do have reasonable litmus tests, red lines and dealbreakers to quickly and easily separate Friends and Foes.
- Never Cuck, especially not for the sake of approval from women, nonwhites or e-celebs.
- Fuck Reddit