Acknowledged my warning on "rudeness" (on doomworld), but they can still sux me and die
@Deplorable_Degenerate @ChristopherBRobin @NEETzsche @bimmer I doubt the fbi ever gaslight anyone I'd want to work with into a shooting lol. They find retards to check some box for their boss. Those people are in the hollywood business more than national security.
Considering how crazy 2023 was, this could be a possibility, but I wouldn't bank on it.
It does happen though, especially with the FBI gaslighting our guys into mass shootings or the media trying to paint very personal murders and self defense as them.
I don't want to glow nigger myself, but if you do find yourself at wits end remember that old addage by Bob Chipman about tactics and targets.
@Senator_Armstrong @bimmer I'm thinking very grassroots. People on the ground level getting shot. Very personal stuff, but it's tinged by politics.
@NEETzsche @bimmer Where? Because Trump wouldn't change anything in the US
@NEETzsche @bimmer it's 2023 neet, that's just everywhere now :marseydoomer:
@Senator_Armstrong @bimmer you're right. I hope they don't win in the end. But I feel like 2024 is going to be a reckoning. I hope it is.
@bimmer isn't doomworld one of those websites that was captured? It's no longer actually about Doom, but now it's about being a tranny
ET and his magic finger... piss them!
@bimmer @Deplorable_Degenerate @ChristopherBRobin @NEETzsche it was colonel mustard in the kitchen with the candlestick. You're welcome
I'm sorry... but who what where when why did this turn into talking about shootings