Apparently a lot of corporations are worried people are going to boycott black friday this year.
@sjw I know the tricks which is why I only mostly check for videos games because I know the prices
@sjw >worried people are going to boycott black friday this year
sad, i'm gonna miss watching niggers brawl
@GrungeQueef @sjw jesus christ
@EvilSandmich yeah but the point is that it's not even a good deal like it used to be. Before they had sales of 90% off and didn't jack up the price. They sold some big ticket items at a loss to get people into the store and lowered prices of near everything to where they were barely making a profit. The small profit margin was vastly outweighed by the sheer volume of sales. People got things for a really good deal and corporations made record profits. It was a win win and good boost to the economy. But then the corporations got greedy. A single yacht was no longer enough. So the corporations tried to double dip. Now the economy is collapsing and people don't have money to spend on black friday especially when nothing on sale is even a good deal.
Personally I think the boycott story is a ploy. They're priming the people to expect mass boycotting on black friday so when sales are really low they can blame boycotts instead of a failing economy.
@sjw Is that even still a thing? Most places have been running ”Black Friday” specials for the past week.
@sjw @EvilSandmich
>Before they had sales of 90% off and didn't jack up the price.
I had that I didn't have money for the golden age of Black Friday. Otherwise it's basically always been shit in Canada. Even "boxing day" was a joke
@coolboymew @EvilSandmich yeah I was but a wee lad with no money but oh boy I sure remember it. The hype was real back then.
@EvilSandmich cc @SNEK @ProfessionalNEET @coolboymew @GrungeQueef @Soy_Magnus @Terry
@sjw @Terry @Soy_Magnus @EvilSandmich @GrungeQueef @ProfessionalNEET @coolboymew well yes
Deals are shit on black Friday. As I understood it. It was a way to get old overflow merchandise off the shelves. But that's not the case any longer bc supply lines, bad economy etc etc. But they can't just not have black Friday sales lol. So you get this sneaky shit instead