we recently updated the MNT Reform open hardware laptop shop page with the goal of making the benefits of the system as well as the pros and cons of the available CPU modules easier to read, incl. graphics by @holo_memory. what do you think? https://shop.mntre.com/products/mnt-reform
@mntmn A little confused by one thing, the first page gives 3 processor choices but omits the I.MX8MPLUS from the list. Any reason that can be selected as the base processor module?
@mntmn Interesting, because that was the standard module in the Pocket Reform, so I just thought it was where you were moving. I was concerned with 4GB of RAM with Wayland.
@mntmn@holo_memory i love it! Found a horizontal scroll bar and some padding bugs but the information architecture and design is super informative! (Safari iPhone 11 Pro)