Is it good form to basically tell companies sales dudes to gently fuck off?
You know the kind, you're comparing software (there's no open source version fuck off mdn) to get, and then these fuckers are supposedly really good but there's 0 price information and you gotta put infos for a seller to call and you really don't want to speak with the fucker?
Looks like he got the fucking message and I got my simple quote
@mangeurdenuage you know why
>fuck off mdn
>Is it good form to basically tell companies sales dudes to gently fuck off?
Yes but it depends on how you formulate it.
>and then these fuckers are supposedly really good but there's 0 price information and you gotta put infos for a seller to call and you really don't want to speak with the fucker?
It's a scumish practice imo, the justification behind it is that "it forces customer to get info they might miss" meanwhile the real reason is the average conman bs.
@mangeurdenuage yeah exactly, I'm currently just researching information to put in a spreadsheet, so I just wanted the info. Thankfully he let me have it without a fight
@coolboymew I have to deal with this all the time. It sucks. I have a renewal with a company that used to provide up front pricing, but now I have to request a quote for the renewal. We just need our stuff to keep working, but now they are going to try to upsell.
@Rocket it's not too bad if it's a renewal because I can just let the finance department deal with this shit
But currently I'm just filling a spreadsheet of what we could go with, so I have little envy to speak endlessly with sellers when I just want a raw number for the spreadsheet and nothing else