@buttplugio Impossible! There's nothing hornier than school lockers!(i can't actually back up this statement, I was homeschooled, I barely know what a school locker is)
"But qDot you didn't even need to be in desktop app stores, and you could've just released in free stores like Chocolatey and Linux Package Reposito...."LISTEN NERDI WILL SHOVE YOU IN A LOCKER IN A WAY YOU WILL NOT FIND HORNY
I'm ~$325 in the hole via releasing free software.Apple: $99/yearMicrosoft: $99/year (and I still haven't passed review there) Steam: $99/appPlay Store: $25If you'd like to help out with this idiocy: https://patreon.com/qdothttps://ko-fi.com/qdot76367https://github.com/sponsors/qdot