Sprate ('s status on Monday, 16-Oct-2023 13:18:03 JST Sprate
The situation is not so urgent or dire that people need to settle for fucking CSAM City. Quit kidding yourself. Point them somewhere else at the very least, man. -
Jeff Cliff ('s status on Monday, 16-Oct-2023 13:30:34 JST Jeff Cliff
Yeah it is. Facebook and twitter are enourmous threats to the free software movement and generally to humankind. On the scale of harms they are right up there with the catholic chuch, pawoo, despite their pedo problem, isn't even on the chart
> Point them somewhere else at the very least, man.
I point them to who gets fediblocked most, in order of who's got an open instance for reigstration. This is (which is bursting at the seams so doesn't need more people)
pawoo <-- this is #3 <-- is this even open to new users?
etcMachismo repeated this. -
† top dog :pedomustdie: ('s status on Monday, 16-Oct-2023 13:30:34 JST † top dog :pedomustdie:
@jeffcliff @PurpCat @RustyCrab @Sprate anni might onlt have 290~ but i think its enough :dude_smug: -
† top dog :pedomustdie: ('s status on Monday, 16-Oct-2023 13:36:23 JST † top dog :pedomustdie:
@jeffcliff @PurpCat @RustyCrab @Sprate I mean as in blocks lol -
Jeff Cliff ('s status on Monday, 16-Oct-2023 13:36:24 JST Jeff Cliff
That's just small enough that it's two entire social subgroups, which can be probably managed with 1-2 admins. -
Leaf Lord ('s status on Monday, 16-Oct-2023 13:39:47 JST Leaf Lord
Only distantly related to the conversation - is in the top 50 most defederated instances.
All thanks to yours truly.Machismo repeated this. -
Jeff Cliff ('s status on Monday, 16-Oct-2023 13:41:17 JST Jeff Cliff
well for starters, reporting
actually talking to the admins, and convincing them to act and or get more admins to help
and of course , confronting the pedos when they post. Some of them, especially the side, really think they are on the right side of history, abusing children.
but generally: this is an open problem and no open community beyond a certain size does a good job of it, as mentioned elsewhere in this thread. It's a problem inherent in allowing anons to join. -
Sprate ('s status on Monday, 16-Oct-2023 13:41:17 JST Sprate
Actually, aside from Pawoo's issues regarding CSAM, why are you encouraging people to sign up to the biggest instances anyway? Shouldn't you be pushing for more people to sign up to more moderately sized instances, so in the event of, oh I don't know, a domain being seized, less users would be cut off from Fedi? Token likes this. -
Sprate ('s status on Monday, 16-Oct-2023 13:41:18 JST Sprate
What the fuck can the "Pawoo community" do to fix moderators' incompetence (or negligence) in removing fucking child porn!? -
Jeff Cliff ('s status on Monday, 16-Oct-2023 13:41:19 JST Jeff Cliff
That's the problem with fediblock : they mix in those blocks with 'X said something Y doesn't approve of in 2017 and so X is blocked by everyone who copies this list forever'.
Every group has its problem people. Pawoos are pedos. People who make a home in pawoo *can help the rest of the pawoo community deal with them* -
Sprate ('s status on Monday, 16-Oct-2023 13:41:20 JST Sprate
>I point them to who gets fediblocked most
Given that some of the most fediblocked instances are defedded due to FUCKING CHILD PORN, I'd recommend maybe qualifying your onboarding advice with "don't join instances with SHITLOADS OF CHILD PORN ON THEM". -
Jeff Cliff ('s status on Monday, 16-Oct-2023 13:47:04 JST Jeff Cliff
i have no idea who GigglyGoonclown is Machismo likes this. -
Sprate ('s status on Monday, 16-Oct-2023 13:47:05 JST Sprate
I do understand where you're arguing from, but I'd argue that from a basic human decency perspective, you shouldn't be pointing people towards an instance that, again, was so notorious for being filled with CSAM that prolific child predators like GigglyGoonclown would point people they were grooming towards it to get them hooked on child porn.
And the issue of the "social vacuum" should be solved by just interacting with people on other instances. The overwhelming majority of the people I follow are off of Nicecrew. This is what federation is for. -
Jeff Cliff ('s status on Monday, 16-Oct-2023 13:47:06 JST Jeff Cliff
I push against fediblock censorship on principle. If they can figure out how to use the big instances, they can be encouraged to move to moderately sized instances or self-host even later. Getting them to join the fediverse, and to tilt the scales against the other side of the rainbow curtain are the important things
and again: sure I could move people to *random_instance_here_with_no_users* but what would happen is what happened with identica
people will see there's nothing happening, and that it's a social vacuum, and just stick to twitter -
:btrfly: anime graf mays 🛰️🪐 ('s status on Monday, 16-Oct-2023 13:51:04 JST :btrfly: anime graf mays 🛰️🪐
@Leaflord @dcc @PurpCat @RustyCrab @Sprate @jeffcliff parker is shutting leafposter down soon
in regards to what jeff is saying, the guy running that site is such a manchild he links poast to my dox and the user agent for poast gets an rich oembed card with my dox.
that being said, we deal with shit a lot more than literally any other instance with regards to illegal content. we are exactly 0% of illegal content but people will shit on us for "pedo shit" when there literally isn't any and when pressed literally nobody can point to something that hasn't already been addressed.
almost 100% of the instances on the fediblock list have one admin who spends maybe max 25% of his time on fedi and can't police everything -
Jeff Cliff ('s status on Monday, 16-Oct-2023 13:58:25 JST Jeff Cliff
> we are exactly 0% of illegal content
This is definitely, absolutely not true.
But like
you do heroic level work of pruning bad shit from your instance and keeping your community together, to the point that even though I disagree politically with you and basically all of your users it's an example to the rest of the internet that yes, it *can* be done -
:btrfly: anime graf mays 🛰️🪐 ('s status on Monday, 16-Oct-2023 13:58:25 JST :btrfly: anime graf mays 🛰️🪐
@jeffcliff @dcc @PurpCat @RustyCrab @Leaflord @Sprate >This is definitely, absolutely not true.
again, source? provide me a link not just somebody elses word. what's illegal on poast? -
Jeff Cliff ('s status on Monday, 16-Oct-2023 13:58:25 JST Jeff Cliff
nothing off the top of my head but i've seen plenty
remember: canada has some pants-on-fire retarded laws
i'll tag you the next thing i see
not in expectation that it will be removed, because it shouldn't be -
:btrfly: anime graf mays 🛰️🪐 ('s status on Monday, 16-Oct-2023 13:59:06 JST :btrfly: anime graf mays 🛰️🪐
@jeffcliff @dcc @PurpCat @RustyCrab @Leaflord @Sprate nothing but a single CDN edge node is hosted in Canada. -
Jeff Cliff ('s status on Monday, 16-Oct-2023 14:18:10 JST Jeff Cliff
sexual abuse of children is like the top of the iceberg of the harms the catholic church is engaged in
synagogues are problematic too but like let's be real how many jews are there total who go to them? There's probably that many catholics in brazil alone.
> public schools
there's plenty of room for fixing how public schools work, but unlike the catholic church/synagogues , it's actually necessary to have children go to school or at least be taught by someone. I don't really care if it's by homeschool or by industrial schools so much, but obviously there's going to be child abuse in either case. Minimizing it is an important goal, of course, but how to do that is kind of an open question.Machismo repeated this. -
Machismo ('s status on Monday, 16-Oct-2023 14:18:10 JST Machismo
@jeffcliff @Sprate @RustyCrab @PurpCat @dcc @King_Porgi
blob -
festive porgi ('s status on Monday, 16-Oct-2023 14:18:11 JST festive porgi
@jeffcliff @dcc @PurpCat @RustyCrab @Sprate >catholic church
what about synagogues or public schools? gtfo of here propaganda nigger -
NEETzsche ('s status on Monday, 16-Oct-2023 14:19:29 JST NEETzsche
@jeffcliff That public school is important for the education of the nation's children means that it should receive more attention for its chomo reputation, not less
@dcc @PurpCat @RustyCrab @Sprate @King_Porgi -
Jeff Cliff ('s status on Monday, 16-Oct-2023 14:26:53 JST Jeff Cliff
this just makes the jews worse than the catholics per jew
not totalMachismo likes this. -
Machismo ('s status on Monday, 16-Oct-2023 14:27:20 JST Machismo
@jeffcliff @King_Porgi @Sprate @RustyCrab @PurpCat @dcc >jews commit nearly 10x as much sexual abuse -
salty_apollyon ('s status on Monday, 16-Oct-2023 14:27:31 JST salty_apollyon
@Zerglingman @dcc @PurpCat @RustyCrab @Sprate @King_Porgi @jeffcliff
>caths are kiddy diddlers
jewRape.mp4Machismo likes this. -
Machismo ('s status on Monday, 16-Oct-2023 14:29:14 JST Machismo
@rlier23 @jeffcliff @dcc @Sprate @RustyCrab @PurpCat @King_Porgi That scandal is a pretty big deal. Any amount of child sexual abuse is too much, and the Catholic Church ought to be doing better; I assume they are by now, but then with the current pope it's really up in the air.
But any nigger who wants to bitch about Catholics causing more harm than kikels can GTFO immediately -
Spurg ('s status on Monday, 16-Oct-2023 14:29:32 JST Spurg
@Zerglingman @dcc @PurpCat @RustyCrab @Sprate @King_Porgi @jeffcliff literally 13:50 tier -
Machismo ('s status on Monday, 16-Oct-2023 14:29:43 JST Machismo
@SpurgAnon @jeffcliff @dcc @Sprate @RustyCrab @PurpCat @King_Porgi Despite making up 2% of the population, kikels occupy well over 50% of elite financial positions -
festive porgi ('s status on Monday, 16-Oct-2023 14:30:03 JST festive porgi
@rlier23 @Zerglingman @dcc @PurpCat @RustyCrab @Sprate @jeffcliff i hate jews Machismo likes this. -
Jeff Cliff ('s status on Monday, 16-Oct-2023 14:30:05 JST Jeff Cliff
50x+ as many catholics out there Machismo likes this. -
salty_apollyon ('s status on Monday, 16-Oct-2023 14:30:32 JST salty_apollyon
@Zerglingman @dcc @PurpCat @RustyCrab @Sprate @King_Porgi @jeffcliff any organisation that is big enough will have a few rotten apples
the thing that should matter is again the per-capita statistics -
Machismo ('s status on Monday, 16-Oct-2023 14:31:31 JST Machismo
@jeffcliff @King_Porgi @Sprate @RustyCrab @PurpCat @dcc In this sample, it's only about 2x, but kikels still manage to be much more disgusting.
And it just gets worse when you divide by population.
Basically as far as I can tell you're arguing in favour of child sexual abuse, as long as it's not Catholics. -
Jeff Cliff ('s status on Monday, 16-Oct-2023 14:32:56 JST Jeff Cliff
the context was in the sense of global harms compared to pawoo
so no per capita isn't really the right thing to look atMachismo likes this.Machismo repeated this. -
Spurg ('s status on Monday, 16-Oct-2023 14:33:55 JST Spurg
@Zerglingman @dcc @PurpCat @RustyCrab @Sprate @King_Porgi @jeffcliff the leading predictor of sexual abuse of a child is if someone owns a copy of the talmud or yarmulke -
salty_apollyon ('s status on Monday, 16-Oct-2023 14:34:58 JST salty_apollyon
@jeffcliff @dcc @PurpCat @RustyCrab @Zerglingman @Sprate @King_Porgi fair
i guess when you have a faggot as leader like the current pope shit can turn nasty pretty fast
however i think kikes are a bigger problemMachismo repeated this. -
† top dog :pedomustdie: ('s status on Monday, 16-Oct-2023 14:35:20 JST † top dog :pedomustdie:
@rlier23 @PurpCat @RustyCrab @Zerglingman @Sprate @King_Porgi @jeffcliff Do i need to talk about the irish.... Machismo likes this. -
Machismo ('s status on Monday, 16-Oct-2023 14:35:42 JST Machismo
@jeffcliff @King_Porgi @Sprate @RustyCrab @PurpCat @dcc @rlier23 Pawoo should still close registrations indefinitely and ban all the pedos, wait a couple months, then reopen them. -
Jeff Cliff ('s status on Monday, 16-Oct-2023 14:36:06 JST Jeff Cliff
i thought it was "star trek posters up in the house" Machismo likes this. -
Jeff Cliff ('s status on Monday, 16-Oct-2023 14:37:01 JST Jeff Cliff
not a bad idea
especially combined with the other idea someone posted of making a japanese language test upon entry mandatory -
Machismo ('s status on Monday, 16-Oct-2023 14:38:38 JST Machismo
@jeffcliff @King_Porgi @Sprate @RustyCrab @PurpCat @rlier23 @dcc 逃げると言なさい -
salty_apollyon ('s status on Monday, 16-Oct-2023 14:38:57 JST salty_apollyon
@Zerglingman @dcc @PurpCat @RustyCrab @Sprate @King_Porgi @jeffcliff
true tho im not missing pawoo since a lot of the artists i follow jumped to misskey some time ago
Husky_1644898360546_6MD4592F18.mp4Machismo likes this. -
Machismo ('s status on Monday, 16-Oct-2023 14:39:16 JST Machismo
@rlier23 @jeffcliff @dcc @Sprate @RustyCrab @PurpCat @King_Porgi @nekotou pls come back -
festive porgi ('s status on Monday, 16-Oct-2023 14:40:13 JST festive porgi
@rlier23 @jeffcliff @dcc @PurpCat @RustyCrab @Zerglingman @Sprate the catholic church and the current pope got too spun up in politics rather than doing right for their parishioners by preaching the word of God and his words alone. -
salty_apollyon ('s status on Monday, 16-Oct-2023 14:41:23 JST salty_apollyon
@Zerglingman @dcc @PurpCat @RustyCrab @Sprate @King_Porgi @jeffcliff
私は断るMachismo likes this. -
Rusty Crab ('s status on Monday, 16-Oct-2023 14:41:25 JST Rusty Crab
@jeffcliff @dcc @rlier23 @PurpCat @Zerglingman @Sprate @King_Porgi have a Japanese language test but it's baked into a png with noise so they can't just drag it into google translate Machismo likes this. -
Jeff Cliff ('s status on Monday, 16-Oct-2023 14:41:28 JST Jeff Cliff
いや Machismo likes this. -
NEETzsche ('s status on Monday, 16-Oct-2023 15:40:17 JST NEETzsche
@jeffcliff Spare us all. The attacks on Catholicism are motivated by resentment of Christianity, Not a desire to protect children. If you did desire to protect children you would focus your attention public school tranny indoctrination, which by definition is child grooming, as opposed to the one in a thousand Catholic priests who are incidentally bad people. This ploy is so transparent
@dcc @PurpCat @RustyCrab @Sprate @King_Porgi likes this. -
Jeff Cliff ('s status on Monday, 16-Oct-2023 15:40:18 JST Jeff Cliff
if attention was the problem
ANY attention to #legacyofabuse would be welcomed
here, anyway
maybe near you things are different repeated this.