@coolboymew careful! That's how you get sued! This isn't cheese. It's cheese product meaning it can be as little as 50% actual cheese! Also calling it cheese is false advertising.
@sjw I'm lucky enough that in my state, due to the intensive Italian colonization, there is a high production of something called "colonial cheese", which is a simple cheese that was created here and takes only milk, salt and yeast and is aged for up to 30 days, and it's relatively inexpensive. It's not a fancy "named" cheese like provolone or muzzarela, but at least it's real cheese.
And still most people buy processed crap because processed crap has fancier names.
@sjw oh yeah. It can't legally be considered "cheese", so they have this distinction. There are many products like that. Around here we have "yoghurts" that are actually "fermented milk beverages" because they cut every corner they can when making it, so it can't legally be called "yoghurt" anymore.
So much that, IDK if you remember the "Pink Sauce" lady, which was all the rage on Tik Tok about a year ago and then she tried to comercially release the pink sauce and there were all sorts of problems. Sure, there were a lot of problems with quality control, the FDA thing and she was a PR disaster, but one of the biggest causes of drama surrounding the pink sauce was that it used only natural products, and it relied on the natural properties of the products for preserving and for stabilizing the emulsion. And people couldn't wrap their minds around it, there were a lot of youtubers and tik tokers lambasting the product and saying that the label was wrong because there was simply no way that she made ranch sauce using only oil, milk, citric acid, spices and dragonfruit powder, where were all the artificial stabilizers and preservants that surely would be needed? How dare she put out a food product that has less than 20 listed ingredients? Also, since it didn't use any artificial coloring and no stabilizers for the color, with time it became more of a pastel pink color instead of the bright pepto-bismol appearance it had in the viral videos, and, since it was a natural product, there were some differences in hue between different bottles. People used to natural products are used to these small differences (the cheese pictures I've sent are all in different hues and color intensities), but Americans were completely flabbergasted by these differences.
Then, I remember seeing a video of a food scientist talking about the situation, showing how each ingredient used in the sauce did the part of a stabilizer/conservant/colorizer and actually making it at home by using the same ingredients listed.
Again, the product had many problems. The pink lady had absolutely no idea how to industrially make a food product, she had no idea how regulations worked and her idea of "good PR" was acting like a bitch, completely unaware that while this type of behavior gets you lots of "likes" in tik tok, in real life people don't take too kindly to it. But a sauce manufacturing company took over the reins and released the pink sauce following all the correct procedure, and people where still screeching that the product had hue differences and didn't have 30 different chemicals inside it.
So, yeah. The product failed and the pink sauce lady lost everything (I've been following her drama lately because a lot of youtubers are documenting it). In part due to her hubris, bitchiness and her being dumb as fuck, but also in part because stupid people couldn't fathom a natural product without a shit ton of artificial shit inside.
@Suzu@sjw a few years ago I started looking at ice cream containers and realized like 80 percent of them don't have the words ice cream on them at all because they fall outside of the legal definition
@Suzu@sjw@zemichi@Royper@ElDeadKennedy@coolboymew@hickory I wonder how much of the retards screeching was from competitors who wanted to see her fail. I just have a hard time seeing that many people give a shit about the ingredients, although if someone kicked it off and it got enough robo-upcummies, the whole thing could become viral as everyone else wants their cummies as well.