@mkultra really gets the noggin joggin why so many "Based tradcaths" incessantly have Protestantism live rent free in their minds/discourse
@dharmadudebro @mkultra I hear Catholics bring up Martin Luther more than any Prot. They have been assmad about him for 500 years and will be for 500 more.
@SaintGuinefort @Lady_Euromutt @GoodPerson @dharmadudebro You can count me as the only Prot you've ever interacted with who has studied the Reformation and Martin Luther, but overall I agree. Luther's life and character don't really matter to me. He's a historical figure that I like, but my beliefs don't revolve around revering him as perfect and infallible.
This seems to be a point that Catholics seem to miss, like they can undo the Reformation if they prove Martin Luther was an asshole. He's not our prophet, messiah, or pope; he didn't have to be completely right about eveything to be right about important things.
When it comes to the history of protestantism’s origins, Catholics, and to seem extent novus ordo folks as well, are often more well-educated than protestants.
@Lady_Euromutt @GoodPerson @MeBigbrain @dharmadudebro In my personal experience prots know absolutely nothing about the reformation (and don't care to), whereas caths do know bits and pieces but its smattered with made up garbage like "he wanted to start his own church" so they end up with a worst than uniformed perspective. Neither side seems to care about accurately portraying the events.
At the end of the day, neither the character of luther or any details from his life actually matter to prots. So apologetics serves no purpose. For cats the opposite is true, its essential that on all grounds he's rejected.
Its all just bias
It’s not about butthurt, it’s just that protestants don’t always know their own history whereas Catholics and Vatican II sect folks tend to be more educated on it.
@Lady_Euromutt @MeBigbrain @dharmadudebro I disagree with the notion that Catholics are very educated on average. At best they’ll know some sacramentalist talking points from the Apostolic Fathers, which is something I guess, but doesn’t get to the heart of much.