The problem is the fed faces a dilemma: do they collapse the banks to stop inflation or do they save the banks and starve the people?
@teknomunk @PinochetsCommieCopter They're letting the people starve lol.
Since Biden took office gas prices are up 90%-110% everywhere. Sure that's farther back that just 2022 but that's a more realistic metric for the increased cost burden on people. Many foods in the stores not only got more expensive but downsized their volume at the same time.
They're saving the banks just long enough to move their money to a safe haven then fuck off like they did with the Soviet Union.
Of course they are going to starve the people. All the while opening up the floodgates of immigration as well as drug use in order to make everything so distracting no one pays attention to them walking out the door
@reloadedAK @teknomunk @PinochetsCommieCopter
Having drugs and hollywood to distract people has let them get away with entirely too much horrid shit. And sponsoring constant alien invasion will take generations to correct at this point. They've set the field well to make it hard to see them as the primary problem.