based Red 🧎♂️
- luithe, 🛡 ⚔️ McCreeaboo ⚔️ 🛡 and Cayhr like this.
@Meemoo What I like about this statement is that they put their money where their mouth is. Bam, $200k out and $2k/month to support those projects.
So... yeah, good job. lol
@Cayhr Red doesn't let bullshit like this slide.
google once terminated his accounts for no reason and he retaliated by ceasing any releases of his games on their platforms moving forward.
they immediately moved their asses and restored his shit
@Meemoo It also helps that he has leverage in that kind of situation with how prolific Terraria is.
Kudos to Red for being able to keep his head on straight and not kill his golden goose.
@lina I don't remember what happened with the Zoologist NPC? :yoko_think:
With regards to the gender change potion (more correctly the "Sex Change Potion"), it is pink and blue, two colors primarily used to associate female and male children, respectively. It's also a swirly solution so no flag. Additionally, there is no way to edit a character except mid-game, so this is the only way to do it unless you have a save edit software, which is third party.
Also lmao 40% to kill user. :guraKekw:
@Meemoo @Cayhr to be honest, re-logic are kinda the most down to earth and honest game devs in recent times, aren't they? i think the only things they did wrong were trivial, like the zoologist npc and arguably the gender change potion, but that's only cuz the wiki claims its troon colors, which barely even fucking looks like it, it's pink and blue, no white or the troon flag pattern there
@ninja8tyu @Cayhr he doesn't mince words
@Meemoo @Cayhr >made a multibillion dollar hull their asses to fix their fuck up :cunny_chad:
@lina @Cayhr I think you've been hanging out on social media for too long.
there's 0 indication of this potion being related to troons.
it's just a convenient consumable that changes your character's gender since there's no other way to do it legitemately. the Zoologist thing is eh but I don't really see the issue since you can just kill her then prevent her from spawning.
@Cayhr it's insane how well the game is still being managed.
meanwhile Mojang is doing everything in it's power to shit on their players
this is why Terraria > minecraft imo
@Meemoo >Doing business with you is a liability.
This is a burn that cannot be healed.
Pic related.
@lina Hmm yeah, she's kinda weird, but honestly I don't mind since she *is* the bestiary NPC. I mean, there are also werewolf enemies in the game.
Though I do agree the furry transformation stuff isn't my cup of tea; I much prefer her to stay a busty chocolate girl. But again it's just the characterization and really not far off from any anime girl that has ears, tails, and can transform.
@Cayhr @Meemoo i just don't like zoologist npc cuz it's a werefurry npc, every time she shows up, i fucking dig her into a hole and make her sit there
@Cayhr @ninja8tyu wish I had a lot of influence so I could passive aggressively shittalk Google like this
@Meemoo Some people just really need to know their place in this world.
@Meemoo Unity: Godot's current best advertiser :doge_laugh:
I just noticed this but
>(((Darker forces)))