What guys won’t wanna hear is that my advice holds even to “white” ethnicities that are alien enough from ours.
That means the same issues and problems arise when you try to marry nordic, slavic, syrian girls, castizas, etc. THeir cultures require a lot of learning from you in order to be the kind of man required to keep her from tearing you apart, and most of those girls specifically select western guys because they’re simps and pushovers so you end up at odds no matter what. It’s just not a family structure conducive to happiness.
I’m a snooper, I’ll dig into your life to learn from your mistakes, and to date I have YET to see a single marriage to one of these alien cultures that left me saying “oh man, I’d love to have what they have”. The closest thing was a guy who imported his whitish brazilian wife in my class, she was sweet and fairly westernized already….then I caught up with them a few years later and she weighed more than him even w/ a 3’ height disparity