@apollo222 Ezekiel 23 is about the people of God mixing with other nations. It's a good passage but I don't think it has much to do with egirls lol
It would be relevant to ecumenism, though. Like, the Pope courting Muslims and Hindus, for example. Ezekiel 23 is a condemnation of that.
The Bible does speak on what makes a woman virtuous. Proverb 31 is the best example.
@rdr @NEETzsche NEET is a schizo (a little more schizo than you're letting on, even) but it's not productive to be rude about it. Why can't you let a civilized conversation happen in peace?
@NEETzsche @opphunter88 ok we'll just ignore your insane religion invented in the 19th Century
Hie to Kolob lmao
@opphunter88 @NEETzsche you're talking to someone who had an older man tell him what tribe of Israel he was from as a teen
@rdr @opphunter88 This isn't an argument.
@NEETzsche The whole British Israel thing is strange, especially the ones that claim modern jews are ethnic Edomites.
There are two whole books of the Bible about establishing the racial purity of the ethnic jews; Ezra and Nehemiah. That's what sets them apart from the lost tribes, who are lost because they mixed races with their conquerors.
They've flipped the entire reality on its head. It can only come from Biblical illiteracy.
@opphunter88 Yeah, he finds very elaborate copes for the reality of Christianity being a universalist faith. Also you don't even need Paul, you can see it if universal even within the canonical Gospels. You can establish a much tighter reservation than even Nicene Christianity and still get there. Yet he still denies lmfao
@opphunter88 I remember Xenophon insisting Ezekiel 23 was about race mixing
@NEETzsche Strictly speaking, it is about race mixing. The sin of both Israel and Judah were mixing with the peoples around them (which caused them to worship other gods, modern people will try to disconnect these two things, but they're always paired together in the Old Testament.)
Xenophon is a bit of a heretic though, to my understanding, he believes the New Testament is a racial covenant, which Paul consistently refutes. That doesn't mean race is irrelevant or doesn't exist, but it is no longer a barrier between Christian brothers, so a modern application of Ezekiel would be to avoid mixing with non-Christians.
@opphunter88 @rdr because Joseph Smith lives RENT FREE in his head