Hoss Delgado ('s status on Wednesday, 23-Aug-2023 02:21:19 JST Hoss Delgado
Boomers are increasingly fearful of the approaching flames of the lake of fire that are beginning to lick at them, and they will make everybody else's life a living hell if the TV tells them it will stave off the inevitable for even a single extra minute. - luithe likes this.
Leaf Lord ('s status on Wednesday, 23-Aug-2023 02:31:10 JST Leaf Lord
The reality is far more disappointing since every other demographic also got mass vaxxed. The cattle are ruining everything for those who have a soul ad usual.
Billions must die. -
blaaablaaaa ('s status on Wednesday, 23-Aug-2023 02:31:11 JST blaaablaaaa
Yeah pretty sure memos have been flying out and being released to a lot of schools to start masking again. I can't believe they're going to try this again. I'd like to say the only way people would comply again would be if it's really deadly, people dropping in the streets, etc. but I know deep down that doesn't matter, they can run the same exact script and people will fall in line. -
Quentel ('s status on Wednesday, 23-Aug-2023 02:31:11 JST Quentel
…they can run the same exact script and people will fall in line.
Boomers will fall in-line with very little resistance. They’ll destroy the world just to have five more minutes in their RV touring state parks. Locking down the world has a lower direct affect on most boomers than it does many other groups.
Machismo repeated this. -
Bead ('s status on Wednesday, 23-Aug-2023 02:31:12 JST Bead
Yeah, they are already starting to roll out the Covid 2 stuff. -
Matty-kun :Christmas_kitty_bell: ('s status on Wednesday, 23-Aug-2023 02:31:13 JST Matty-kun :Christmas_kitty_bell:
Confirmed? -
Leaf Lord ('s status on Wednesday, 23-Aug-2023 02:43:30 JST Leaf Lord
Most young people took it when they were told they couldn't go out or travel.
Nothing more disgusting than someone bending the knee over something this trivial.
NPCs deserve their cancers, their sufferings, and their deaths.
All everyone had to do was just say no and not get it. It was literally that simple. Every "anti-authoritarian" knelt and licked the boot.
Everyone showed their true colours during the covid psyop.
Billions must die. -
blaaablaaaa ('s status on Wednesday, 23-Aug-2023 02:43:31 JST blaaablaaaa
I think the boomer thing is they were the business owners who shut down or forced their employees to get the vax, told their families to get it, etc. They were supposed to be the ones to help protect and be the wise ones who could help navigate during the difficult time but it was the opposite. But yes every demographic was susceptible to the propaganda and will be again.
There are tons of young people now with cancer now. The list below is all people with less than a year left to live.Machismo repeated this. -
Machismo ('s status on Wednesday, 23-Aug-2023 02:44:01 JST Machismo
@Leaflord @Hoss @matty @Quentel @Bead @blaaablaaaa
blob -
Bead ('s status on Wednesday, 23-Aug-2023 02:46:51 JST Bead
Back when I was still using dating apps I used to use whether or not they had a "I was vaxed" badge on their profile as a filter. If they got it I just didn't even bother trying. Machismo repeated this. -
Leaf Lord ('s status on Wednesday, 23-Aug-2023 02:55:19 JST Leaf Lord
lmao this is literally my post Machismo repeated this. -
Leaf Lord ('s status on Wednesday, 23-Aug-2023 02:56:19 JST Leaf Lord
I just ask people if they are vaxxed. If they say yes I dip. -
Leaf Lord ('s status on Wednesday, 23-Aug-2023 02:58:36 JST Leaf Lord
Can't believe the fuckers cut off the Leaf flag. Can't have shit in detroit. Machismo repeated this. -
Upsman ('s status on Wednesday, 23-Aug-2023 03:04:43 JST Upsman
And I funny watermark to add to the post Machismo repeated this. -
blaaablaaaa ('s status on Wednesday, 23-Aug-2023 03:04:44 JST blaaablaaaa
ifunny chads rise up. Machismo repeated this. -
luithe ('s status on Wednesday, 23-Aug-2023 03:06:15 JST luithe
@Suzu @Leaflord @Bead @Hoss @Quentel @blaaablaaaa @matty funniest part of the zoomers, most were still doing their daily driving to buy goyslop or dancing like retards on the beach with nigger music screeching about staying inside and not being granny killers -
Suzu :miku_happy: ('s status on Wednesday, 23-Aug-2023 03:06:16 JST Suzu :miku_happy:
@Leaflord @blaaablaaaa @Bead @Quentel @matty @Hoss yeah, I don't get why are you guys talking about boomers. As I remember, most boomers (specially those with conservative tendencies) opposed lockdowns, and breached it in every opportunity. The ones screaming at everyone's faces that people should stay at home and let businesses die were the shitlibs, most of them zoomers. -
Leaf Lord ('s status on Wednesday, 23-Aug-2023 03:06:53 JST Leaf Lord
I don't screenshot my own posts, no matter how much of a banger they are, or how often I spam them on /pol/ for the lulz
Unfortunately the lesser beings that exist to chronicle my exploits suck at their job.Machismo repeated this. -
Upsman ('s status on Wednesday, 23-Aug-2023 03:06:56 JST Upsman
Those damn feds not archiving posts -
luithe ('s status on Wednesday, 23-Aug-2023 03:13:46 JST luithe
@Suzu @Bead @Hoss @Leaflord @Quentel @blaaablaaaa @matty zoomers are basically zogmites pushing Jewish propaganda or ideas as le good
Case in example being the lockdowns -
бүх зүйлийн төгсгөл :DamnFemaleKid: ('s status on Wednesday, 23-Aug-2023 03:14:05 JST бүх зүйлийн төгсгөл :DamnFemaleKid:
@Suzu @Leaflord @Bead @Hoss @Quentel @blaaablaaaa @matty
Leaf Lord ('s status on Wednesday, 23-Aug-2023 03:14:05 JST Leaf Lord
95% of humanity are stupid and ugly nigger cattle that contribute nothing and are merely a drain and an eyesore.
BILLIONS MUST DIE.luithe likes this. -
blaaablaaaa ('s status on Wednesday, 23-Aug-2023 03:18:40 JST blaaablaaaa
Yeah weird how they're still pushing the vax even though the emergency mandate ended which was the only thing allowing them to keep giving it out. Still around somehow. Machismo repeated this. -
Leaf Lord ('s status on Wednesday, 23-Aug-2023 03:18:41 JST Leaf Lord
They just had to say no. -
Quentel ('s status on Wednesday, 23-Aug-2023 03:18:42 JST Quentel
I think the boomer thing is they were the business owners who shut down or forced their employees to get the vax, told their families to get it, etc.
This is exactly right. Boomers pushed the poison onto younger generations via healthcare, first responders, military, universities, K-12, … the list goes on and on. It wasn’t only boomers, but they played a major role.
Leaf Lord ('s status on Wednesday, 23-Aug-2023 03:19:05 JST Leaf Lord
They are saying vax damage is long covid and other shit like that, so we need to get vaxxed.
It's funny that anyone would ever trust people that don't have your interest in mind on any other topic. Somehow, this time, they have the best intentions despite having a track record of being niggerfaggots.
People are just retarded and deserve what they get. -
Matty-kun :Christmas_kitty_bell: ('s status on Wednesday, 23-Aug-2023 03:20:43 JST Matty-kun :Christmas_kitty_bell:
That's way too far away but would work in line with the bullshit propaganda from now until then. That would mean they have a month to rile up the masses.Machismo repeated this. -
RyokoPilled ('s status on Wednesday, 23-Aug-2023 03:20:43 JST RyokoPilled
@matty @blaaablaaaa @Bead @Hoss every October becomes first day of covid season with yearly lockdown rituals, just in time for election season too how convenient! -
Matty-kun :Christmas_kitty_bell: ('s status on Wednesday, 23-Aug-2023 03:20:44 JST Matty-kun :Christmas_kitty_bell:
Sauce? Machismo repeated this. -
blaaablaaaa ('s status on Wednesday, 23-Aug-2023 03:20:44 JST blaaablaaaa
This was like front page. Let me look for them citing how deadly it is.
Most of these threads have no pushback against the narrative. Most people are either looking forward to it or just tired. -
Matty-kun :Christmas_kitty_bell: ('s status on Wednesday, 23-Aug-2023 03:20:45 JST Matty-kun :Christmas_kitty_bell:
I've been waiting for a happening. -
blaaablaaaa ('s status on Wednesday, 23-Aug-2023 03:20:45 JST blaaablaaaa
Just like 4chan was partially the beginning point of the spread of fear from the last one (all the chinese people dropping dead in the streets were spread on 4chan first seemingly), they're doing it again with this one ERIS, they're claiming it's like 80% fatal and like 100% if you got the vax.
Like I said in the other post it seems like a near identical copy of last time. -
mullvad ('s status on Wednesday, 23-Aug-2023 04:16:30 JST mullvad
@Hoss @matty failed zog war and dead economy. they need to mk ultra the retards and the coof is perfect for that Kenny Blankenship likes this. -
mullvad ('s status on Wednesday, 23-Aug-2023 04:16:31 JST mullvad
@matty @Hoss yes, election time soon -
Hoss Delgado ('s status on Wednesday, 23-Aug-2023 04:16:31 JST Hoss Delgado
This is just how it's going to be now, isn't it? The country is going to be intentionally rendered fucked up and completely non-functional once every four years just so they can screw with the elections. -
fartkart ('s status on Wednesday, 23-Aug-2023 13:38:12 JST fartkart
tell me you're a feature creature without telling me you're a feature creature -
Senator_Armstrong ('s status on Thursday, 24-Aug-2023 07:54:46 JST Senator_Armstrong
@Zerglingman @blaaablaaaa @Leaflord @Bead @Quentel @matty @Hoss Zog definitely still considers you cattle regardless of "passing the test" or not. They probably hate the people who passed the most since they figured out what they're up to which makes them a threat.