@Shadowman311 What man in Utah is he talking about?
@Kang_Kong3 @Shadowman311 Posting on Facebook was his first mistake
@caekislove @Shadowman311 Boomerwaffen fedposted on faceberg.
@Humpleupagus @caekislove @Kang_Kong3 @Shadowman311 Just ignoring him would've been plenty adequate for nothing to happen, but he was retarded enough to paint the bulls-eye.
I'm not going to defend the guy. He made some pretty explicit threats. I'm also not going to defend the fbi either, they handled the situation inappropriately. His death could have been easily avoided, but the fbi decided to use cowboy tactics to intentionally escalate, and in my view, murder him. There was never an intent to arrest. They knew how this would end given the chosen tactics and that's what they wanted.
@Humpleupagus @caekislove @Kang_Kong3 @Shadowman311
you're not going to defend the guy because of his explicit threats
I'm not going to defend the guy because he said Putin was Biden's communist twin.
We are not the same.
Things I learned practicing law:
> Never make a threat you can't backup.
> Sometimes it's better not to make threats, so they don't see you coming.