Ardainian Hebrew Israelite ('s status on Wednesday, 26-Jul-2023 11:00:39 JST Ardainian Hebrew Israelite
Atheism is gay and retarded. If there is no God, where did everything come from?
#Christ #Christian #Religion #Repent #Reddit #atheism #heaven #hell #Jesus #ChristIsKing-
≠ ('s status on Wednesday, 26-Jul-2023 12:02:15 JST ≠
Atheism is retarded; we simply do not know, objectively, whether God exists or not. Agnosticism is sanity.
Religion reflects being in tune with the poetry of life.
That being said, the Abrahamic religions are not for me.
Ardainian Hebrew Israelite ('s status on Wednesday, 26-Jul-2023 12:02:15 JST Ardainian Hebrew Israelite
@amerika I would describe Agnosticism towards the nature of God, and the practical implications of God, as entirely reasonable, but God as defined as that which exists and transcends all other existences, I think is something which must be recognized to be sane. Under such a primal and universal understanding of God, pretty much every conceivable view of the cosmos and the divine outside of solipsism is included. Unfortunately, solipsism is an outlook that's extremely influential on modern culture even if it isn't always explicitly stated as such. -
Ardainian Hebrew Israelite ('s status on Wednesday, 26-Jul-2023 12:24:59 JST Ardainian Hebrew Israelite
@amerika If you understand that there's an objective reality outside of yourself that you're powerless against and therefore must conform to, and thus you have to accept that you are male and cannot become female and need to deal with it, then you're ahead of the curve in Current Year. If you are so egotistical as to be unable to accept even visible objective reality as a superior then you're just retarded and it's impossible for you to work your way towards a remotely healthy worldview. -
≠ ('s status on Wednesday, 26-Jul-2023 12:25:00 JST ≠
"solipsism is an outlook that's extremely influential on modern culture"
Understatement of the year!
In my view, destiny is relative. Some need God, some need gods, some need neither.
≠ ('s status on Thursday, 27-Jul-2023 04:00:21 JST ≠
"If you understand that there's an objective reality outside of yourself that you're powerless against and therefore must conform to"
Most people, and all of Leftism, are solidly resistant to accepting this.
It's why we tell people to touch grass. Go hang out in the woods for awhile, and external reality will whap you upside the head until you accept it, but also reveal its beauties.
I do not use the term "objective" because I think we simply mean "external."
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Ardainian Hebrew Israelite ('s status on Thursday, 27-Jul-2023 04:02:19 JST Ardainian Hebrew Israelite
@amerika "External" is more of the key point for our purposes, though in principle reality should be objectively knowable from God's point of view. -
≠ ('s status on Thursday, 27-Jul-2023 04:06:28 JST ≠
@lccmv @greyknight33 @ArdainianRight
It is a good question.
Humans have choice; some choose to do bad things.
Nature corrects as it can, but on its timescale, not ours.
Genghis Khan's empire collapsed in a very short period of time and his people are now lawn Mexicans for China.
GreyKnight33 [TX] ('s status on Thursday, 27-Jul-2023 04:06:29 JST GreyKnight33 [TX]
@lccmv @amerika @ArdainianRight i think you are confusing a "god" manufactured from the actual sense into a being used to control a populace vs what is. i find the atheist's approach to "disproving" God is to always challenge the control mechanism that derived from religion.
maybe just a common misconception?
LCCMV ('s status on Thursday, 27-Jul-2023 04:06:29 JST LCCMV
@greyknight33 @amerika @ArdainianRight
Did the control mechanism derive from religion or is religion the control mechanism itself?
Why so many narratives? Why the lack of a scientific method? Why is questioning discouraged so hard? Is religion a leftist concept? Is God a supreme leader like Chairman Mao? Are atheists seen as enemies of the regime?
Who created Christianity? Who created communism? Was it the same people? Can one ask these questions and not get in trouble?
≠ ('s status on Thursday, 27-Jul-2023 04:06:29 JST ≠
@lccmv @greyknight33 @ArdainianRight
The control mechanism was there before religion: a group enforces its ideology by using peer pressure.
It overlaps with organized religion, but as Grey Knight says, does it overlap with belief itself? No, in my view. Belief in God means recognizing that the universe is a good place with benevolent, creative, and intelligent aims.
LCCMV ('s status on Thursday, 27-Jul-2023 04:06:29 JST LCCMV
@amerika @greyknight33 @ArdainianRight
Pardon my bluntness, but "recognizing that the universe is a good place with benevolent, creative, and intelligent aims" requires an awful lot of ignorance of world history. Do you even realize how many people descend from Genghis Khan? Do you think he courted ladies with poems, dinners and mix tapes?
LCCMV ('s status on Thursday, 27-Jul-2023 04:06:30 JST LCCMV
Atheism is neither gay nor retarded. Not questioning incongruent narratives is. Sure, maybe God created everything, but
1. Who created God?
2. How can anyone describe what God thinks or wants or approves?Ever asked yourself why the hell the fucker had to make girls menstruate at 11~12 and boys super mega horny at 13~18? What message does that send?
If you get ill, do you see a doctor or a priest?
Why does the Pope ride a bullet proof car?
LCCMV ('s status on Thursday, 27-Jul-2023 04:06:56 JST LCCMV
@amerika @greyknight33 @ArdainianRight
At least the Mongolians know something about their lineage. The Chinese have no clue after waves and waves and waves of civil war, genocide and mass rape.
Ardainian Hebrew Israelite ('s status on Thursday, 27-Jul-2023 05:18:59 JST Ardainian Hebrew Israelite
@amerika Not in our current state of being, no, we cannot know objective reality. It might be possible in heaven with a glorified body, mind, and soul to see what we cannot now, but as it stands we can only know within the limitations of our mortal nature. -
≠ ('s status on Thursday, 27-Jul-2023 05:19:00 JST ≠
Well stated, but I must differ. Of course, I am difficult.
I think we cannot know this world from God's point of view.
I think we can know it as it presents itself, and surmise much of the rest.
But all is heuristics, much like every decision is tradeoffs. There is no purity, only better over worse on a functional level.
Nonetheless I think this leads to God/gods.
GreyKnight33 [TX] ('s status on Thursday, 27-Jul-2023 05:19:22 JST GreyKnight33 [TX]
@amerika @lccmv @ArdainianRight well, that's where i draw a line on sentience. i used to believe that all humans are some divine beings but bugs are not. that comes from the thought that bugs aren't sentient. they just perform, like robots, automatons. i could be wrong but if not, could some humans not be sentient? could some humans just be walking talking automatons?
so yes, some ppl will not find God, because they are unable, they aren't sentient, they cannot ask those questions.
Jazzilla [ME] CCT, CA ('s status on Thursday, 27-Jul-2023 05:19:22 JST Jazzilla [ME] CCT, CA
All claims to knowledge about consciousness or creation origins are false and will remain so.
Everyone creates an approximation about these two issues in their minds, and I believe it's part of your job here to do this for yourself.
≠ ('s status on Thursday, 27-Jul-2023 05:19:23 JST ≠
@greyknight33 @lccmv @ArdainianRight
The problem with atheism is that it asserts a negation as a positive.
"We do not know if there is a God" is legit, "We know there is no God" is ridiculous.
"X is false because you cannot prove that X is true."
This is why agnosticism is the only logical position.
LCCMV ('s status on Thursday, 27-Jul-2023 05:19:23 JST LCCMV
@amerika @greyknight33 @ArdainianRight
You can say that "We know there is no God" is ridiculous. That's safe.
Saying the exact opposite will very likely land you in hot water though.
Where else do we see that kind of double standards? Where else? Hmm...
≠ ('s status on Thursday, 27-Jul-2023 05:19:23 JST ≠
@lccmv @greyknight33 @ArdainianRight
This is all that I am saying. Agnosticism is the scientific position.
I also think relativism comes into play. There may be forces out there that appeal to, attract, and are relevant to some people but not others.
So even if we stipulate that God exists, he does not exist equally. Some will find him, some cannot, and some will not.
GreyKnight33 [TX] ('s status on Thursday, 27-Jul-2023 05:19:49 JST GreyKnight33 [TX]
@jazzilla @amerika @lccmv @ArdainianRight tho those are probably the wrong questions given the answer to the universe ;)
GreyKnight33 [TX] ('s status on Thursday, 27-Jul-2023 05:21:47 JST GreyKnight33 [TX]
@jazzilla @amerika @lccmv @ArdainianRight love associating with fellow sentient beings :)
i feel there is a possible answer to the creation story, its just so awful and aweless of an answer (has to be both as its contained in the realm of the infinite). as our consciousness jouneys thru the infinite, how can we not experience such awful and awelessness all at once? maybe just accepting some awe at a time? departing from the infinite at once and having an awe-some experience?
≠ ('s status on Thursday, 27-Jul-2023 05:23:28 JST ≠
We are also limited in intelligence compared to the universe or gods, to add to your point.
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