@RMIV I've heard of him before, here's the pros and cons: Pros: -Portal's way of looking at things is legit from an athletic perspective. Movement is cool and being good at moving around is healthy. -I've never seen a group of people who are this broad in their skills but still *good* at everything they practice. At advanced levels, movement bros can do planche pushups, box efficiently, and also keep up with runners in sprints. -Movement as an athletic method really is good at protecting and strengthening the joints, keeping you mobile and flexible. It helps bulletproof you.
Cons: -Ido Portal is an israeli con artist. His fitness methods are legit but he also charges people INSANE amounts of money to learn it. -Movement as an athletic community is more culty than crossfit...and that's saying something. They are behlden to dogmatic thinking in unhealthy ways, to the point where even hanging out with a bodybuilder can get you kicked out of some of their groups. -With that dogmatic thinking, they tend to think that all other fitness methods are either ineffective, partially effective, or just straight up bad. That limited thinking is pumped into their students to keep them paying through the mouth...to learn how to move lol. -Their broad way of thinking doesn't lend itself well to specific pursuits as much as they think it does. Yes, Conor McGregor did it and it helped him win fights. But if deadlifting 500lbs is your goal, movement athletics just plain can't help you get there.