@StoleMyThundersBalls I hate modern space marine players, this shit is clinically unfunny and only made for reddit upvotes. Would rather the hobby die than live on in this zombie like state.
@RatPoster And how is THAT a community? Do you have local chapters? Is there a GW community that I'm keeping people out of or inviting them into?
A "community" of people who pay outrageous amounts of money for plastic army men and pretend to have fun. Your toys don't even come assembled. They don't come painted. Your time and money are wasted.
You are sucking a corporations dick (GW). And you are mad that I make fun of you. Seethe and cope more.
The memes are funny... Paying $1200 for plastic, paints and glue to enjoy a hobby for trannys and noahide man children is not. But I'm sure you fit right in to that community 🌈
@StoleMyThundersBalls You have no idea what you are talking about, in regard to GW's price jewery or the appeal of tabletop wargaming. You think I am defending the state of the game when I am lementing it. You will never fit in, you will never make a funny tabletop meme, you have no neckbeard and everyone who looks at you will know that a normie stands there.
@RatPoster lmao what gatekeeping? You're keeping me out of a place I don't go? I just said I don't participate. I post memes because they make me laugh. You will not find me in your local man cave measuring minis with plastic sticks.
@StoleMyThundersBalls You are participating by posting memes of a tabletop wargame you don't even play. I don't just want to gatekeep you from the game, but the over all discussion as well. Because GW will attempt to court you by fucking up it's own game again and again.
@RatPoster TBH I don't even play tabletop. I've play a couple of times. But I liked other table top games more. Still the fans make funny memes and the cosplay is wild.
@StoleMyThundersBalls@RatPoster this continues to be broke nigger cope. I have money left over after I provide for myself and my family so I spend it on activities I enjoy and that (in most cases) provide semi-passive income.
I’m sorry 95% of your paycheck goes to your landlord and you can’t understand these concepts, I’ll leave you to wallow in your poverty.
@PhenomX6@sapphire BTFO'd indeed. He lives in some other estrogen dimension. Where spending money on plastics is good because plastics gives off more estrogen. :laughing_cirno: