Literally those are the two demographics I see buying Teslas here too: new money pajeets/Chinese (who will also buy anything new from {luxury brand here} and have money unlike rappers (who also tend to lean towards Chargers/Challengers), and boomers. And they're only buying a Tesla as a status symbol of either eco hippie shit or "high tech bro", just like how Bush era neocons saw Hummers as one or boomer libs of the same era loved to own a Prius.
@PhenomX6 that and mustang mach-e is like an ftm troon trying to call herself a man, like are you joking man, a fucking crossover on top of being an EV? disgusting
@PhenomX6 of course because they make sure to celebrate faggots and le eco-friendly shit, blackrock's never gonna pull the plug on financing them, so that's the one time where absolutely retarded moves like making sports cars not meant for people that like cars will never be punished until USA crumbles
It's not just blackrock but also mountains and mountains of grifters who serve to grift off the "green shit" craze. During the Obama era the Solyndra scandal was in every attack ad but I remember it as an example of just how many people are trying to get rich from it.
Case in point I was buying tomatoes at the store and learned that there was some bullshit startup called AppHarvest that is currently one such "eco friendly" startup with all the right buzzwords, and is losing money and is about to get evicted from their indoor greenhouse (which had low yields recently after disease hit the plants).
You just know this business was one big ass grift for ESG points when they literally fucking built a greenhouse and touted it as a solution for climate change.
Yep mixed with 2004 era "libtard owning" led so many people to own shitboxes like the Hummer H2/H3. The H2 was infamously built on the same platform as the Tahoe but with a extra douchey image and designed to look like a military vehicle everyone in the army bitches about instead.
From what I can tell those cars are like "vegan meat alternatives", loss leaders where maybe only 3-4 people will order the item a day (see impossible whoppers) but they're being paid to carry it by the company. I'm sure the mindset is that via laws forcing people to buy them, they'll bring costs down but in reality car companies are having to kill off small cars/cuckboxes because it doesn't subsidize it.