need to insulate your house? why not use 6750kg of asbestos from Amazon?
@kaia @fristi asbestos mentioned @meso
@fristi oof, the patients I met with lung cancer had worked cutting asbestos without water directly and even lunched on the cut asbestos plates. so I doubt such minimal exposure will hurt you :02hug:
@kaia i'm still worried that my extremely minimal exposure to asbestos when I was 18 might kill me when I'm 50
for reference the exposure was me replacing brakes on my oldass car back then which were apparently asbestos-lined or some shit
@lina @fristi @kaia @meso sadly he changed pfp and the only thing i remember it was vivid green
@NaiJi @fristi @kaia @meso he likes to edit his pfp to look like a glow in the dark cia agent (he wants to become one when he grows up)