Kamikatsu ends
One of the best disaster I've seen. Craziest use and allocation of budget I've ever seen
@coolboymew Did you like it?
@coin yeah, even if there were some rough parts. The dakini arc was probably the weakest however
@coolboymew catching up, even if parts devolve into raw (undetailed) pixelshit it keeps making me smile throughout.
Ended up being dirtier than Futoku no Guild despite the latter being a full nudity ecchi animu.
>dirtier Futoku no Guild
What? No
@boloros did you forget that the girls, especially the dog girl, basically got their tits sucked by monsters like every damn episodes?
@coolboymew in my dirty meter, nipples < pantomime of SM play while Mitama writhes like a half crushed bug in the corner and the hand guy finds greater depths to fall to.
Also won't abandon thread without saying that Mitama is cute as shit.
two eeeeehhs
@coolboymew @boloros
@ElDeadKennedy @boloros futoku no guild
@boloros @coolboymew
>Ended up being dirtier than Futoku no Guild despite the latter being a full nudity ecchi animu.
Peaked my interest for this show the
@Skoll3 @coolboymew finished yesterday, it's refreshing to watch something treating different manners faith and worship as a basic realities.
Doesn't really blow its load in any one thing: shuffles between shitposting, dirty jokes and nuggets of gold in the story/world to the point I liked each quite a bit.
it's over
@boloros @Skoll3 very nice
It was a wild ride for sure
@coolboymew @Skoll3 helps to be reading a bit of ancient religion (The Ancient City at a snails pace) and heresies of Christianity (unitarianism and theological frictions in the orthodox side.) Also liking brown girls.
Caffeinated thought of the day: thus far Kaminaki Sekai no Kamisama Katsudou is the power metal of Reiwa anime.
Bertrand's misery is amazing