@branman65@RealRaul Everyone likes to be "total nigger death this", "total nigger death that", until it's time for some actual nigger death. It's all just a larp to you? Give me one good reason why it wouldn't be for the best of everyone if Shaniqua took a trip to Planned Parenthood.
@jetzkrieg@Godcast@RealRaul@branman65 Some people don't seem to understand that the laws can say whatever the fuck you want them to say. If a law is passed requiring everyone in the country to wear matching uniforms, you'd have 80% compliance on day-1 because "it's the law". You'd have people being assaulted in the street for not wearing their legally-mandated uniforms. See: COVID masking.
@Godcast@branman65@RealRaul Zero. What part of "what race is it?" did you not understand? That means illegal for white women, legal and even encouraged for non-whites.
@branman65@RealRaul No, it's not. It's a clump of cells that will eventually grow into your demographical replacement at best and a dope-slinging career criminal that will stab your child to death for their sneakers at worst. They already breed like rabbits and you say you don't want to put a stop to that because 'we are all human beans' ? Get real.
Took me a while to realize this. Its the same with libertarianism.
>be above average intelligence >be White male >not understand why others cant just behave and see the world like you >imagine "if only we could properly explain it to them"
Sorry, but you cant explain to a lion that it shouldnt eat you when it gets hungry. You cNt explain to a gibs-me-dat nigger not take your shit and shoot you for the privilege. If your idea can only work with a White male heterogeneous population, your idea is shit it a pozzed race mixed America.
And if you want a heterogeneous population, look up Hans Herman Hoppe and physical removal.
Once you realize that all politicians and political parties are just puppets of the shadow government and that voting will never fix anything, you will realize that anarchism is the only solution.
The NAP is a globalist scheme to convince Christian-coded societies to not resist their fake and gay procedural coup because no matter how corrupt it is, it’s not technically “violence“.
By the time you properly define “aggression” to counteract the corruption, you get to shoot people for taking the last chip at your table in a Chili’s.
Step 1: Get a government to allow some of your people to live on some land they aren't using. Step 2: Send a fuckton of your people to that land and arm them up. Step 3: Using some sort of pretext, declare that land to be yours and shoot anyone who argues with you.
There's probably several million hardcore libertarians in the USA who could easily carve out a country in Africa or the Pacific.
@Nesano@RealRaul@branman65@jetzkrieg What part of "I'm against all forms of elective abortion" didn't you understand? I miss the days of the command line that filtered retards like you
@Nesano@jetzkrieg@RealRaul@branman65 No, I pointed out that you're living in fantasy land if you think race specific abortion laws are even remotely possible
>I hate fags, I hate the government and tyranny, I love God, and want to be left alone right next to the >I love gay sex and rampant drug use, I hate paying taxes, and I want to be left alone
@branman65@ChristiJunior@Godcast@RealRaul@jetzkrieg the molech worshipper meme has been hi-jacked by retarded boomercons. they would rather save every baby some nigger sow or crack whore has - this is a self-defeating strategy because many are natural democrats. it also leads to an overpopulation of undesirable idiots, and all of this in a bid "to own the libs" and get "more black votes" because blacks are the largest proportion of eople receiving abortions in the US. we can thank Godless satanist-identifiying pro-choice ugly edgy dykes that call abortion a "sacrament" for inspiring the "molech worshipper" meme among boomer cons. who the hell would want those mentally ill dykes reproducing anyway? Hitler had the right idea and we have strayed so far from it that the fabric of our society is violenty shaking itself apart from the cumulative effects of generations of congenital insanity unchecked. obviously the jews are at faultfor a lot of this and Hitler was correct about the too. Nazism is the practice of natural law in artificially unnatural conditions; a necessary pre-requisite for the health of nations.
@GrungeQueef@ChristiJunior@Godcast@RealRaul@branman65@jetzkrieg While it's important to emphasize standards of good and evil, in the realm of political pragmatism it's important to distinguish which poisons are most threatening to us. Gay shit being targeted to kids is more pervasive and threatening to our lines than abortion, which while also cancerous, does affect our enemies much more than us and is easier to avoid. Hence, suppressing gay shit should be a higher political priority than suppressing abortion.
@Godcast@RealRaul@branman65@jetzkrieg Good, so you're honest. Then what is there even to discuss? I care infinitely more about stopping the Great Replacement than protecting fetuses, that's my stance, and it's very unlikely to change, at least in the short term.
@Godcast@RealRaul@branman65@jetzkrieg I don't give a shit about your hypotheticals when we have actual abortion numbers and breakdowns by race to go on. And I've already said, those are very much acceptable to me.
But let's ask a question that's actually relevant - if you could be convinced that legal abortion slows down the Great Replacement, would you still oppose it, yes or no? I mean, I already know the answer to this, I just want to see how intellectually honest you are.
@Godcast@RealRaul@branman65@jetzkrieg Niggers don't actually have a lot of kids in the US, the nigger share of the US population has actually remained pretty stable, the Great Replacement in the US happens through mass immigration, not blacks and browns with US citizenship having tons of babies, largely BECAUSE they kill so many of them, thus postponing the demographic doomsday.
@ChristiJunior@RealRaul@branman65@jetzkrieg So a nigger having six kids, two of whom she remembers to abort, along with a white woman who aborts once and never becomes pregnant again is acceptable to you?
@Godcast@RealRaul@branman65@jetzkrieg The current abortion rate is certainly acceptable, this whole situation is a race against the clock, and the way nonwhites disproportionately abort their kids buys White people more time to wake up and take their countries back.
@jetzkrieg@Godcast@RealRaul@branman65 A lot of pro-lifers on our side really don't want to admit that they've drunk the "muh precious black and brown babies being killed by Planned Parenthood!" Kool-Aid of the mainstream, feminized anti-abortion movement.
Nonwhites aborting their kids is a GOOD thing. Period.
@CatLord@caekislove@branman65@Godcast@jetzkrieg@RealRaul The NAP is the logical conclusion that all forms of aggression outside of self-defense are unjustified. Ethics can be explained objectively using logic. Just watch this video if you want to know more.
@ChristiJunior@branman65@Godcast@RealRaul@jetzkrieg Your primary moral obligation is to protect your own, not try to save everyone who doesn't want to be saved. Definitely oppose abortion and practice and preach an ethos of personal responsibility and taking care of your kids. Teach your kids right from wrong. But the appropriate priority of a Christian political bloc in a wicked and hostile society is specifically repelling incursions on your territory. Homo propaganda exists to displace the parent's duty to instill morality in their children with the state instilling vice. That must always be the first priority. While you are not morally obligated to allow the other side to kill and abuse their kids if you are in a position to stop this, because it is an intrinsic evil, you should never compromise your most basic duties in pursuit of this.
@ChristiJunior@Godcast@RealRaul@jetzkrieg That’s a load of bullshit, niggers will kill dey keedz anyway. Samborellas cook their own children in the microwave to spite dey baby daddy
@branman65@Godcast@RealRaul@jetzkrieg Yeah, I'm not gonna rely on 1 million Shaniquas microwaving their nigglets every year, and neither are you, you just want a quick and easy justification for going with your religious principles even when they help the Enemy. Which is fair enough, but just admit that this is what you're doing.
@branman65@RealRaul@jetzkrieg Because they walk upright and have two arms and legs? By that standard, monkeys and apes are also "human". That ape that uses sign language probably would score higher on an IQ test than your average Chicago nigger.
@caekislove@branman65@RealRaul@jetzkrieg Simple stats prove this. A human has the ability to think & behave independently. 95% of negros vote Democratic. 75% of their children are born illegitimate. 1/3 of black men are in some stage of the penal system. Last year black men (17-35) who are 2% of the population committed at least 60% of all homicides in the US. They think & act on instinct, not will. Their behavior is pre-programmed like animals. I see very little evidence that they are actual human beings.
@jetzkrieg@branman65@RealRaul One of the biggest scams the jews ever pulled off was convincing people that niggers are part of humanity instead of a separate and distinct animal species.
@caekislove@jetzkrieg@RealRaul The canaanites were human and so are niggers. If they are animals then congrats new heaven and new earth shall be full of them.
@xianc78@caekislove@branman65@Godcast@jetzkrieg@RealRaul Are you 16 years old? This is insipid, infantile rubbish. Libertarians always end up expanding the limits of the NAP everywhere because they constantly have to deal with social based challenges to it. >what if my neighbour is polluting >what if he is doing something disgusting in view of children but still on his property >what if he is clearly planning aggression but hasn't realised it yet Et cetera. The most compelling general formulation, to the average man, is this, however: What if he's an evil freak who deserves to die but skirts the bounds of the NAP in a legalistic fashion?
The answer to all of this is to abandon the NAP and accept natural human hierarchy, authority, moral imposition, and social regulation and the violence that comes with that. Contrary to what libertarians depict, this doesn't involve extreme repression and abuse. It's the natural state of man; people expect it and are happier this way.
Pollution spreading to other properties violates the NAP.
>what if he is doing something disgusting in view of children but still on his property
Physical removal.
>what if he is clearly planning aggression but hasn't realised it yet
Literally this argument is what governments use to justify mass surveillance on it's citizens. Anyway, once he approaches your property with a firearm, you can shot at him.
@GrungeQueef@ChristiJunior@Godcast@RealRaul@branman65@jetzkrieg I'm saying that if you have firm control over a state and society, you are morally entitled to govern it in accordance with said values and not "tolerate" enemies within your borders. I think we more or less agree that we need smaller societies capable of good governance as opposed to trying to fix the whole world.
@ArdainianRight@ChristiJunior@Godcast@RealRaul@branman65@jetzkrieg >While you are not morally obligated to allow the other side to kill and abuse their kids if you are in a position to stop this, because it is an intrinsic evil, you should never compromise your most basic duties in pursuit of this.
And intervene on behalf of everyone doing fuck who knows what? That's impossible and will just lead to disarray and destruction. Don't be a cuck - put your own interests and survival before others. The world is too large for the few to intervene in such a manner. Civilization was healthier when people prioritized the affairs of their village to that of their neighbors. It is not unlike how in biology the smallest of cells are also the most efficient and how there is a size limit to how big a cell can get. One of the reasons empires fall is because they become too big, too complex, and can no longer effectively govern their territories.
@xianc78@caekislove@branman65@Godcast@jetzkrieg@RealRaul >Pollution spreading to other properties violates the NAP. Yeah after years of fucking discussion this was decided lmao. I'm familiar with the history of this and perhaps you aren't.
>Physical removal. Hoppean cope. Violation of the NAP
>Anyway, once he approaches your property with a firearm, you can shot at him. He has prepared by the time you are legally allowed (according to the NAP) to react. Too late.
You want to keep going with different scenarios? This is usually what happens in these arguments.
He's self-sufficient and stays. He doesn't move. He stays and keeps doing disgusting shit in front of your children. They're afraid to go outside now. The situation is getting worse. How do you deal with it?
@xianc78@caekislove@branman65@Godcast@jetzkrieg@RealRaul They're still afraid to walk outside of your property where he is visible, and to make matters worse, he built a tower on his side that is visible over your fence. What now?
@xianc78@caekislove@branman65@Godcast@jetzkrieg@RealRaul Him moving next door to you and doing things on his own property is not a violation of the NAP. You've expanded the NAP to suit the situation, which is what I predicted would happen.
Until you got to the correct answer, you: >shunned him >built a massive fence on your property >moved fucking house all the while your children were terrified. This is why libertarianism is fucking dumb. The correct answer was always to either gather round the community and beat him, or kill him. The correct answer was always violence.
@Xenophon@Godcast@RealRaul@branman65@jetzkrieg I don't know when it happened, but a bug was planted in the minds of "conservatives" that the only possible political course of action is riding the brakes while leftists actually work to enshrine their ideas into law. It's how we went from "What happens in the privacy of the bedrooms of consenting adults is nobody else's business" to gay marriage, to pedophile sex education in public schools. You can't achieve anything just by being the token opposition, you've got to articulate a vision of the world and then ruthlessly work to make it a reality. Those who oppose your vision must be crushed by any means necessary. Leftists understand this.
Ted Cruz literally just tweeted about how a foreign nation that doesnt like fags is a international issue, because he is a real Christian who supports male anal sex.
@ArdainianRight@caekislove@CatLord@Godcast@RealRaul@branman65@jetzkrieg They would stop you otherwise because "we can always vote our way out of it" and they will just volunteer to side with the government. Overthrowing tyrants only worked back in the days of monarchy when everyone else accepted that it needed to be done.
There have been plenty of times that the US government should've been overthrown but nothing happened.
There are a lot of sources you can find that talk about the idea of extracting uranium from seawater, but that one is nice because it gives you some concrete numbers to play with in a spreadsheet.
Once you do all the calculations you find the process described can supply nuclear power at an implied rate of 1450 watts per kg of filter material. That's fairly decent, especially if the filter material can be reused.
On the other hand if you used a more efficient molten salt reactor design that includes online reprocessing so that you can use all the uranium instead of throwing most of it away the 27,000 kilograms / gigawatt-year mentioned at the bottom of the page drops to about 1,000 kilograms per gigawatt-year.
Rerunning the numbers with that now your extraction process is worth 39100 watts per kg of filter.
Those are the kinds of numbers you need to build a viable settlement out in the middle of the ocean. 26 tons of filter active continually will keep a 1 GW molten salt reactor fueled. Now you have plenty of energy to not just keep yourself alive but also power manufacturing and agriculture so that you have products worth selling.
Unless you've managed to build your own nuclear reactor and secured a fuel supply for it you can forget about maintaining any reasonable long term quality of life out there.
Then for an offshore settlement to be viable to permanently inhabit you have to find something to affordably produce out in the middle of the ocean that you can sell to the mainland to trade for all the stuff you can't produce yourself.
The economic model for every seasteading project I've ever seen relies on fake and gay businesses like tourism and gambling, or else is just a retirement community for people to live off their passive income from the mainland.