germans after the experiences of the third reich and the socialist gdr: We need state media for information we can trust.
@lebronjames75 @lain can a bavarian fox and a prussian wolf find love…?
@cell @lebronjames75 @lain There is good evidence that Bavarians are much closer to animals than many would think. As Bismarck said: "Bavarians are the evolutionary missing link between Austrians and humans"
@lain @lebronjames75 Germany should be split up again, not in two, and not like the “holy” “roman” “empire” but into a thousand little Lichtensteins
@cell @lain lickenstein
@lebronjames75 *pounces and nuzzles your necky-wecky*
@lain germans after the expurriences of the furred reich and suwucialist gay-dr: we need state meowdia for in-furr-mate-zion we can thrust
@lain if someone like hitler rises again simply jail them
@lain somehow i've enabled windows notifications for SPC, and getting a lain message OUT OF NOWHERE saying, that, on my monitors is very disturbing