We need to make fascism hip and cool, we need to twerk and say bussin', we need to stress how the natural order is on fleek, we need to be with it, as the kids say
I so yearn to tell people irl I'm a fascist, just to see their reaction. They'd probably brush it off as if I'm just joking or start insisting it's "not funny" or start going on some diatribe about how it's undemocratic and I deserve to be killed just as anyone who gets their morals from teevee would.
@PraxisOfEvil What's interesting is you can find some people who agree 100% with National Socialist economics without realizing it. I've got a co-worker who started a conversation about how fractional reserve banking is bullshit and the Fed is evil. I'm determined to never lie about my beliefs, but I've always found that if I describe what I believe instead of put a label on it, people are far more understanding.
>I'm pro Union, think the idle rich are worthless, hate usury, heavily pro environment and hate faux environmentalism, hate consumerism, despise degeneracy, pro-gun, hate communists, and think our children need to be protected at all costs.
>I'm a Nazi
"OMG You're evil!"
@Druid It's all about how you present your ideas, we're still stuck in this rhetorical trap where everything has to be boiled down to Nazi/Communist, but our ideas are appealing, never forget that
@Druid @PraxisOfEvil This is the way
At least around people of normal IQ and no knowledge of history 😆
@idea_enjoyer @PraxisOfEvil And that's most people. I still love my people, even the midwits and retards. No one really knows what a National Socialist is besides us and jews.