@EvilSandmich @Eiregoat I've heard this take before, that the west will liberalize the muslims more than they can islamize things here. It's a possibility. That's not a good thing though.
- Ardainian Hebrew Israelite likes this.
> Nah bro. That's not gonna cut it. The real christianity is what all the christians are out there doing - which is being israel's little bitch.
In fairness this is a weak argument since right now pretty much every established institution (religious or otherwise) is being Israel's little bitch. That's not specific to any one religion, it's the nature of jewish entryism.
A stronger argument would be to go back through history and see what they were up to when other european institutions were mostly jew free.
@Eiregoat @Senator_Armstrong This is generally where the alt-religion argument breaks down: religion is a reflection of the people. You can bet your bottom dollar that if GAE made Islam the law of the land that allowances for buggery/trannies would be found in the doctrine (thus women could just declare themselves "men" to get around any sex restrictions).
These niggers try to tell me - just ignore the fact most US christians support israel, they're all fake and the real christianity is this one verse in the bible against jews.
Nah bro. That's not gonna cut it. The real christianity is what all the christians are out there doing - which is being israel's little bitch.