Isn't part of the definition of an NPC that they aren't conscious? So saying this is somewhat N/A.
@RustyCrab famous people should try not to think much about the NPC thing - they have enough difficulty being normal and well-adjusted
terry did it better
@RustyCrab I thought they had the ability to experience things and it was just related to their lack of self-reflectivity. I've tried not to think too hard about this though, so maybe my idea of NPC is not well-formed :02_shrug:
@Binkle @RustyCrab
The NPC meme was just an attempt to repackage the Philosophical Zombie thought experiment to make it more easy to digest for Millennials and Zoomers.
@Binkle but what I'm saying makes sense right? NPCs don't have a first person perspective under standard definition so if somebody is reading that first hand then they aren't an NPC.