@Hyolobrika@ai@diceynes >The mental illness theory of creativity builds on the fact that unusual levels of creativity are more common among people with genes for mental illness, especially schizophrenia
This is interesting since her description of apophenia matches how I feel about schizophrenia to a large degree. I have a feeling that I'm constantly piecing together esoteric patterns and during psychosis this feeling becomes extremely overwhelming and every single thing in the entire world feels woven together. Unlike her my patterns are clean af though :blobsunglasses:
With regards to your comment she seems to have spent the entire blog defending creative thinking, she merely posited a theory for why it's not as widespread as she'd like.
@hidden Yeah, I made the same connection too. I thought schizophrenia was when you made connections that are supposedly wrong.
>With regards to your comment she seems to have spent the entire blog defending creative thinking, she merely posited a theory for why it's not as widespread as she'd like. Maybe I drew a false connection then ;)