Neo-nazi Hispanics are nothing new, though the fact that they are going with this angle in hopes of blaming this shooting on Whitey is just laughable and it's not going to work, hard to blame a shooting on White people with a name like "Mauricio Garcia"
@spitfire @Shadowman311 @haberdasher @sandwich Sadly Reddit jannies are immune to mass shooting death by virtue of never leaving their parents' basement.
@haberdasher @Shadowman311 Heh, I'm Hispanic and my ex Hispanic best friend called me an "ignorant Nazi bitch" because I have "extreme right wing" views like "I don't think minors should be given hormones or mutilating gender surgeries" or that there's no such thing as female penises...
So yeah, I'm not surprised the media is going along with this.
@sandwich @Shadowman311 @haberdasher
Imagine going out in a shooting rampage that you know will end in death or life in prison just to shoot some fat strangers at the mall. Aim higher, at least pick someone that deserves it like an HOA board member or Reddit janny.
@Shadowman311 refusing to avow that 'pregnant men' is a biological reality is now a "neo-Nazi belief".