@ChasingWaterfalls When you hear Jazz or that Kai kid, or Nikkitutorials they all say they've been mercilessly bullied. This "top model" in the Netherlands, "Loiza" Lamers also said she was mercilessly bullied, even as an adult. (Though I think in his case it's just his overall shitty, entitled personality than the fact he's pretending to be the opposite sex.) If people, especially kids as it's always claimed, were so readily accepting of trannies, why were all these males bullied so badly by their peers? Kids aren't having it. It's an adult thing trannydom. Kids in general don't buy it and that's why the severe propaganda is going on in schools as well.
@ChasingWaterfalls This is what I hate about that narrative of “socialized as a girl, it’s impossible to go back now”. These tranny kids were never once socialized as the opposite sex. They were just put in certain clothes and given a certain hairstyle (because gender stereotypes) and then the world around them was told to pretend that kid was the opposite sex or else!!! Fuck it. I’d the kid gets bullied mercilessly, I don’t give a fuck.