jollybudd1350 🎄 :njp: 🎄 ('s status on Tuesday, 25-Apr-2023 00:57:07 JST jollybudd1350 🎄 :njp: 🎄
Asked a cute black girl to dance with me at the club and she did and it was fun lol, it's so over -
jollybudd1350 🎄 :njp: 🎄 ('s status on Tuesday, 25-Apr-2023 00:57:06 JST jollybudd1350 🎄 :njp: 🎄
I was one of only like 3 White guys in the whole place, got a lot of female attention for that. It's funny because we stuck together for most of the night; in group tribal preference is very real Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks likes this. -
Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks ('s status on Tuesday, 25-Apr-2023 00:59:32 JST Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks
@johnbudd1350 It’s a good tactical maneuver, white guys can’t be closed off at work, we’re always under suspicion and not going out of your way to befriend browns is a surefire way to put a target on your back.
I actually have black work friends I’m pretty friendly with, have inside jokes and go to lunch. Some are even passably nice people - but I know they’re playing for the black team, and their presence takes away valuable resources from mine. No matter how friendly we are above-board, they’re always going to see me as a hostile. Just the way it is.
Twoinchdestroya ('s status on Tuesday, 25-Apr-2023 01:06:11 JST Twoinchdestroya
@WashedOutGundamPilot @johnbudd1350 There’s always nice ones, but recognize that everyone is for their own ultimately.
Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks likes this. -
Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks ('s status on Tuesday, 25-Apr-2023 01:11:13 JST Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks
@ForbiddenDreamer @johnbudd1350 Yeah my industry is too rough to pull that off. The boomers reign supreme, most jobs are dispensed at their discretion and even the “conservative” ones are vehemently anti-racist.
I guess I would note that most of the blacks I’m on best terms with are ones from overseas, so high-performing africans & islanders. V. diff. from the american negro. But we can be friendly with them, too….I just don’t expect the world out of them.
The Forbidden Dreamer ('s status on Tuesday, 25-Apr-2023 01:11:14 JST The Forbidden Dreamer
@WashedOutGundamPilot @johnbudd1350 I joke with the token black at work, but most of the jokes are low-key racist and done at his expense. He'd totally have me fired if I called him a nigger though. -
The Forbidden Dreamer ('s status on Tuesday, 25-Apr-2023 02:01:07 JST The Forbidden Dreamer
@WashedOutGundamPilot @johnbudd1350 Honestly, the millennia era Whites are probably of the biggest concern here, at least partly because the more uppity nogs were done away with in the recent layoffs/firings due to a combination of piss-poor work ethic and ease of replacability (not that we can actually hire anyone at all due to the company's abysmal reputation within an hour's drive)
Though the soyboy Whites will just quiet up when you get politically incorrect, it's the innocently naive ones that give off that air of mega Boy Scout/pastor's son that you have to watch out for, they'll report anyone for breaking the rules like they're some fuckin' hall monitor.
To be fair, we do warn each other about who to watch yourself around, or rather people warn me to keep my voice down when questionable individuals enter the shop.Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks likes this. -
Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks ('s status on Tuesday, 25-Apr-2023 02:03:15 JST Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks
@ForbiddenDreamer @johnbudd1350 I wouldn’t trust anyone at this point. People are just too self-centered to be trusted to keep their mouth shut. They’re just poorly socialized, so they’ll desperately grab at anything they possibly can in order to fill the silence of an awkward conversation. Information is like currency, and you could easily have a former friendly flip mid-convo with someone else.
“yeah he’s cool, he just says some pretty…..iffy stuff sometimes, like “hey man could you like, NOT” hahaha…….”
The Forbidden Dreamer ('s status on Tuesday, 25-Apr-2023 02:15:35 JST The Forbidden Dreamer
@WashedOutGundamPilot @johnbudd1350 Reasonable enough, though bear in mind that that basically everyone says nigger more than I do, or at least those that I trust. That, and I don't care enough about my job anyways, so I can see how this wouldn't apply in your situation... -
Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks ('s status on Tuesday, 25-Apr-2023 02:15:35 JST Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks
@ForbiddenDreamer @johnbudd1350 Our ‘community’ is small, I hear about old grudges all the time. There are only so many people who hire you to fly stuff, by nature it lends itself well to “hey anybody know this guy? is he cool?”
Many places still post their new hire lists to get feedback from guys in the company - enough bad votes and you’re on the way out before probationary is up