@cinerion Fuck it, let's all stand up. *burns down Carthage*
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If we could truly be passive observers, then things wouldn't be so bad. We quantify and then we game the quantification. We optimize.
That's how we get Goodhart's law: "When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure."
It is not enough for us to see; we must also conquer.
@ai tfw there's a "vēnī, vīdī, vīcī" in all of us.
Yeah, iirc IQ tests were originally developed by (French?) educators who wanted to tailor classes to students' abilities
@ai The desire to quantify everything is humans' both blessing and doom.
I feel people take the IQ test too seriously. Wasn't it meant to decide on the "best" method to educate a person systematically according to the score?
Sure, you go too low on the scale and you find actual retards. But if you go too high on the scale, you find retards again, just that these retards got a knack for solving school tests.