@synapsid @ArdainianRight Dammit I had a good comment but accidentally closed the tab.
If you want a good timewarp into what the hot girls were for the millennials, go take a trip into ebaumsworld. They still have the old uploads from 2008, with all the creepy jailbait memes and everything. Which looking back seem even creepier. When you’re a teenage kid, I think the whole meme was more of an excuse for us than anything. You wanted to save pics of hot skanks, but you had to wrap it up in a “demotivational meme” in order to pretend you were hanging onto it as a joke.
Also it’s kind of hard to post any of the 00’s-era girls because I’m older than them now. Technically they’re still older than me, but still….too skeevy when I suspect all the mirror pics are just teenage girls. But chances are all these chicks were on a flash drive being passed around the school library, hidden away in Kyle’s “Homework for Algebra” folder.