:nv:hedinja ('s status on Saturday, 15-Apr-2023 00:58:08 JST :nv:hedinja
@Shadowman311 Do Russians even really want to be there? I would imagine morale would be pretty low considering things have been relatively stagnant since the beginning of the war. I could be wrong though, I haven't been following it very closely. -
Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks ('s status on Saturday, 15-Apr-2023 00:58:07 JST Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks
@shedinja @Shadowman311 Russians are alien to us, very diff. culture and few really tackle the language divide. From the bits I see I think they’re much more enthused. It’s a bit like the GWOT for the first few years. When you offer war and glory there’s a subset of people who wanna get a piece. The fact that they finally had something to offer the average grunts that didn’t require tons of glowniggardry like crimea or syria means that the average bloodthirster has a reason to sign up.
After a few years of pain, damage, and watching limbless veterans they may lose momentum just like we did in the late 00’s.
Holly Jolly D-Droid ('s status on Saturday, 15-Apr-2023 01:06:57 JST Holly Jolly D-Droid
@WashedOutGundamPilot @shedinja @Shadowman311 It honestly depends how the other side runs propaganda.
At the beginning of the Ukraine conflict the average Russian didn't support it, they thought it was just something Putin wanted and were put off by the conflict.
Instead of being smart about propaganda and framing the whole thing as a Putin problem that shetyl goblin Zelensky decided "No I'm gonna put out propaganda that calls the Russians all subhumans and orcs."
After a constant barrage of basically genocidal anti Russian propaganda the average Russian suddenly started supporting Putin and Russia way more than at the start of this conflict.
The idiot jew Zelensky basically fucked up the situation completely and ruined what would have been a perfect color revolution start up point for ZOG.
Ever since they've only doubled down on stuff and calling "Russia" the problem instead of Putin(they're jews and can't hide their hatred of slavic gentiles who never accepted them), which the Russian citizens have caught onto. As long as they keep that kind of rhetoric going I don't see Russian morale going downWoggy's Zeonic Frolicks likes this. -
Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks ('s status on Saturday, 15-Apr-2023 01:10:00 JST Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks
@D-Droid @shedinja @Shadowman311 I could buy that wholesale. All the ethnic stuff is a total mystery to me, it’s a world apart - one of the things that really bugs me about this whole fight. Americans just don’t get ethnic enmity. When normies tell me “nah you don’t geddit the ukrainian peopel are TOTALLY different from russians there nothin alike“ it sounds just like the Eritrean exchange nig telling me “no u do not get it we HATE disgusting SUBHUMAN somalian FILTH they are NOT like us“
LIke, yeah man, you’re both black to me, you’re not selling me on this whole thing. Really hate seeing whites kill each other, no matter the subtypes.
EnigmaticAnimeSlav 🇷🇺 ('s status on Saturday, 15-Apr-2023 01:11:25 JST EnigmaticAnimeSlav 🇷🇺
@WashedOutGundamPilot @shedinja @Shadowman311 Here's the answer from a ground level:
People here are very aware of what's going on. The "Us vs the entire World" mindset clicked. Most people understand why we have to do this even tho we don't like it. We all know it's a war out there and it's just a matter of time before it affects us personally in one way or another. And people are prepared for this. Be it an economical transition to wartime production or a real mass mobilization if West continues to escalate.
Regarding solders on site - everyone who really wanted in - got there. Contractor or Wagner.
The 300k reservists is a mixed bag. I personally know people who ran to Georgia to escape draft and people who went there willingly on moments notice.
In general people showed up on their own will, because like I said, the understand settled in.Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks likes this. -
Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks ('s status on Saturday, 15-Apr-2023 01:15:23 JST Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks
@EnigmaticAnimeSlav @shedinja @Shadowman311 It’s very interesting how the ONE time the US has enmity with a white country they go all in on “They’re EVIL and they need to be BROKEN in every way we can crack them!!!!”
For all our misadventures in arabia, they constantly drowned us in “it’s only a small subset of arabs that are bad terrorists don’t be racist in fact let’s diversify our immigrants and bring in millions of them to show you how amazing they are!“
Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks ('s status on Saturday, 15-Apr-2023 01:23:35 JST Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks
@Sprayfoam_Sal @D-Droid @Shadowman311 @shedinja In a border squabble between washington and oregon I’m not signing up with my brothers to die slaying them. It’s a level of hate that I doubt we can really comprehend, and I suspect a LOT of it is somewhat genetic, and is only able to be directed at their fellow whites because they don’t have the awful browns that we do here.
In 50 years, when zog’s pumped ukraine full of the same “healthy” diversity it has london and the rest, THEN you’ll see that slavic loathing turned on the browns
Sprayfoam_Sal ('s status on Saturday, 15-Apr-2023 01:23:36 JST Sprayfoam_Sal
@WashedOutGundamPilot @D-Droid @shedinja @Shadowman311 Its not completely comparable to the russia/ukraine situation but consider the Portland antifa-american. They are ostensibly White people, however they live completely alien lives, hold alien values, and while technically still english, speak an entirely different language. They are essentially a separate ethnicity, and without getting too spicy, lost the qualification to be viewed as human as far as I'm concerned. -
Holly Jolly D-Droid ('s status on Saturday, 15-Apr-2023 01:26:16 JST Holly Jolly D-Droid
@WashedOutGundamPilot @Sprayfoam_Sal @Shadowman311 @shedinja Oh yeah, all White ethnic squabbling will die completely when they all have to deal with niggers, street shitters, and the Arabian untermensch that reside in Europe currently Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks likes this. -
Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks ('s status on Saturday, 15-Apr-2023 01:28:11 JST Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks
@D-Droid @Sprayfoam_Sal @Shadowman311 @shedinja I could see the grandsons of today’s conflict joining hands to the consternation of the surviving veterans, all because they’re the only other white team to prevent the rape and grooming of their schoolchildren
(b/c zelynsky will begin importing 3 million african & arab men a year the second the smoke clears. He’ll bill it as fixing the “population crisis caused by the russian invasion” so anyone opposed to the browning of the homeland is a putin troll)