❄️:padoru: SantaSnekFriend :padoru:❄️ ('s status on Saturday, 15-Feb-2025 11:27:08 JST ❄️:padoru: SantaSnekFriend :padoru:❄️
This is why Robert Martinez distanced himself from your brand of WN, by the way. This why DoctorSex is gone and is never coming. It's not marriage. He doesn't want to be around you. You guys
Bashing this sign down your fucking throats until you fucking get and you beg Jesus to fucking kill for being Jew-like moral pest you all are.
GOD DAMN IT- :gura_sus: 1e+6 litres :flag_china: repeated this.
Ardainian Hebrew Israelite ('s status on Saturday, 15-Feb-2025 11:27:07 JST Ardainian Hebrew Israelite
@wgiwf @SuperSnekFriend
I am a white American. I am proud to be a white American. I want political leadership that promotes the wellbeing of my people. -
Wolfgirl in Wheatfield ('s status on Saturday, 15-Feb-2025 11:27:08 JST Wolfgirl in Wheatfield
@SuperSnekFriend I've never been one. There is no organizing principle behind it. A defensive strategy isn't a cohesive ideology. I'm pro-White, but that isn't an inherent state of being (as some will argue) but a general sentiment.
You either put forward an alternative mytho-history to guide society or you're just a reactionary playing defense, simple as. -
Paultron-3030 ('s status on Saturday, 15-Feb-2025 11:38:09 JST Paultron-3030
@SuperSnekFriend why do you dislike me nigger i don't understand -
❄️:padoru: SantaSnekFriend :padoru:❄️ ('s status on Saturday, 15-Feb-2025 11:38:09 JST ❄️:padoru: SantaSnekFriend :padoru:❄️
This post is a catch-all to provoke people, hopefully some to repent of the faggotry I've been seeing since February 23, 2022.
If you personally are offended by it, and you think Russia has been in the right, examine yourself to figure out why you think one million dead White Slavs is acceptable for us Whites and reform your ideology. If you are going to remain obstinate and offended despite doing, then I suggest you reform yourself because, then, you are a not good person nor the Christian you think you are.
And I'm fucking serious about this. -
Ardainian Hebrew Israelite ('s status on Saturday, 15-Feb-2025 11:38:09 JST Ardainian Hebrew Israelite
@SuperSnekFriend @Paultron
Russia isn't in the right, no matter how fake and gay Ukraine and its leadership may be.:gura_sus: 1e+6 litres :flag_china: likes this. -
Ardainian Hebrew Israelite ('s status on Saturday, 15-Feb-2025 12:05:24 JST Ardainian Hebrew Israelite
@wgiwf @SuperSnekFriend
White Americans in most cases have roots in the country stretching back 100+ years, and there is some common culture and history there. It doesn't have to quite be like Europe for it to be real and meaningful. Yes, there have been differences, but there's also been shared experiences and a concerted effort towards a common assimilated culture. Even as late as the 90s there was some element of philia implicitly among white Americans. -
Wolfgirl in Wheatfield ('s status on Saturday, 15-Feb-2025 12:05:25 JST Wolfgirl in Wheatfield
@ArdainianRight @SuperSnekFriend This brings up the issue at hand. White American: What does that mean? Who is that?
We, for the most part, have a reasonable idea of what it means. But the term American has been so thoroughly put through the meatgrinder as to lose much of its meaning outside of a civic-nationalist sense in mass society.
The term isn't useless but it carries an implicit agreement with propositional identity, for the time being at least, that any immigrant can become an "American". "White American" counters this but also doesn't address the elephant in the room, the homogeneous nature of American "Nationalism".
I don't think you can really expect any sort of good political leadership that can care for the common interest of their kin if kin is not defined in a much more granular way. Local identity and culture needs to be just as strong or stronger than national identity for an organic ethnos to be a reality.
In a way we can learn from the libtards and their racial patronage politics. Demanding ethnic representation and concession is the right thing to do.
One should see themselves as a part of their family clan, their ethnic heritage, their local culture, their regional culture, and their national identity. If, as a whole, American whites continue to see themselves as a part as a part of a color-blind meritocracy nothing changes, even in a post-liberal America. Being a cookie cutter white man in America isn't being part of a people, it's being nothing more than a consumer. -
Wolfgirl in Wheatfield ('s status on Saturday, 15-Feb-2025 12:15:20 JST Wolfgirl in Wheatfield
@ArdainianRight @SuperSnekFriend Also, until the 90s, you still had chunks of the country that were still effectively untouched by mass immigration, and therefore a lot of local culture still existed in many rural and even some more urban areas. The biggest obstacle to any sort of local culture re-forming in America, besides the "diversity", of course, is that no one sticks around long enough for it to happen in almost any part of the country. Ardainian Hebrew Israelite likes this. -
Ardainian Hebrew Israelite ('s status on Saturday, 15-Feb-2025 12:20:13 JST Ardainian Hebrew Israelite
@wgiwf @SuperSnekFriend
Doesn't help when the (((Fed))) creates housing bubbles that jack up the prices of housing so high that property taxes become unaffordable for middle-class families in a lot of places. If you can buy a house, pay off the mortgage in full, but still be forced out of your house because speculators drove up the "market value" of the house and you have to pay property taxes exceeding what you actually paid for the house, you don't actually have property rights. If the Jews want your neighborhood, they can make it unlivable for you. -
Wolfgirl in Wheatfield ('s status on Saturday, 15-Feb-2025 12:22:04 JST Wolfgirl in Wheatfield
@ArdainianRight @SuperSnekFriend Property taxes are for one's residence are deeply immoral. Ardainian Hebrew Israelite and :gura_sus: 1e+6 litres :flag_china: like this. -
Wolfgirl in Wheatfield ('s status on Saturday, 15-Feb-2025 12:24:05 JST Wolfgirl in Wheatfield
@ArdainianRight @SuperSnekFriend The tldr: There's nothing wrong with celebrating stuff like the Fourth of July, etc., but if it's your only source of identity in this country it's not enough. There needs to be even more particular forms and scales of culture and identity and the erasure of that from public life in America can be seen as nothing less than a genocide by the rulers of this land.
For an example: A bunch of drunk old men dressing up as Vikings in Minnesota because they're Norwegian is very important, (insert whatever ethnic or local variant you desire). And the fact that it's so uncommon is criminal. WE all should be engaging in these sorts of things, Anglo, German, Polish, Italian, etc. -
Wolfgirl in Wheatfield ('s status on Saturday, 15-Feb-2025 12:24:05 JST Wolfgirl in Wheatfield
@ArdainianRight @SuperSnekFriend WE need more bottom up action instead trying kickstart some sort of White Identitarianism among people who have been thoroughly atomized.
West Virginia should have a Mothman Festival where they build a giant wooden Mothman statue and set it on fire. That's real local culture that you can build on.Ardainian Hebrew Israelite likes this. -
Ardainian Hebrew Israelite ('s status on Saturday, 15-Feb-2025 12:25:47 JST Ardainian Hebrew Israelite
@wgiwf @SuperSnekFriend The Dubya housing bubble forcing all my neighbors from when I was growing up to move out will never not cause me to resent the GAE regime. -
🐘🐘 Humpleupagus 🐘🐘 ('s status on Saturday, 15-Feb-2025 12:26:16 JST 🐘🐘 Humpleupagus 🐘🐘
California had an exemption, and it was inheritable, but a few years back they put a provision in a proposition that basically eliminated the inheritability of the tax base, unless it was the parents primary residence and you use it as yours too. A whole generation got fucked by boomers again and they don't know it yet. You'd be surprised at the looks I get when I tell clients they basically fucked themselves by not reading the proposition. Ardainian Hebrew Israelite likes this. -
The Notorious D.O.G ☦️🗡️ ('s status on Saturday, 15-Feb-2025 12:30:09 JST The Notorious D.O.G ☦️🗡️
Read bitches, do you not understand? -
Ardainian Hebrew Israelite ('s status on Saturday, 15-Feb-2025 12:30:09 JST Ardainian Hebrew Israelite
@NotoriousDOG @Humpleupagus @SuperSnekFriend @wgiwf
No, we're functionally illiterate. Jews wanted to destroy our educational system by forcing certain demographics in there. -
🐘🐘 Humpleupagus 🐘🐘 ('s status on Saturday, 15-Feb-2025 12:41:25 JST 🐘🐘 Humpleupagus 🐘🐘
> The Sell: The proposition was going to help grandma and grandpa after they lost their home in the lnu fires. It allowed them to carry their tax base to a new county.
> Real Purpose: Eliminated the parent child property tax exclusion. (Never mentioned in the ads, etc.)Ardainian Hebrew Israelite likes this. -
Tactical ('s status on Saturday, 15-Feb-2025 22:50:28 JST Tactical
pretty much the only good thing about being a WN is memes and hot nazi anime girls :gura_sus: 1e+6 litres :flag_china: likes this. -
獣耳会社wan ('s status on Saturday, 15-Feb-2025 23:33:13 JST 獣耳会社wan
@wgiwf @ArdainianRight @SuperSnekFriend >more bottom up action
Agreed.:gura_sus: 1e+6 litres :flag_china: repeated this. -
❄️:padoru: SantaSnekFriend :padoru:❄️ ('s status on Saturday, 15-Feb-2025 23:33:17 JST ❄️:padoru: SantaSnekFriend :padoru:❄️
@wan @wgiwf @ArdainianRight
:BUTTS: :BUTTS: :BUTTS::gura_sus: 1e+6 litres :flag_china: likes this. -
Ardainian Hebrew Israelite ('s status on Sunday, 16-Feb-2025 02:46:58 JST Ardainian Hebrew Israelite
@Amalek_Respector @Paultron @SuperSnekFriend
RWA at least have the excuse of actually being Russian. (I think) -
Amalek_Respector ('s status on Sunday, 16-Feb-2025 02:46:59 JST Amalek_Respector
@ArdainianRight @SuperSnekFriend @Paultron The most vociferous defenders of Russia are mostly embedded in the MAGA Trump clown sphere e.g. Tim Pool, Russians with Attitude, Jackson Hinkle and "MAGA communists" etc. I'm actually very satisfied at just how many self professed WNs are refusing to take concrete sides in Russia-Ukraine. Almost everyone acknowledges that Russians state policy is not pro-white and Ukraine is being genocided and turned into a softer version of Gaza to serve as potential escape for Jews in case Israel needs to be abandoned. -
Branman65🍟 ('s status on Sunday, 16-Feb-2025 06:43:38 JST Branman65🍟
@SuperSnekFriend @zeke George Lincoln Rockwell is dead along with his movement, Spencer and his "alt right" is dead, the NJP collapsed humiliatingly due to drama. we Whites MUST repent and turn to our ONE AND ONLY hope, Jesus Christ. Ardainian Hebrew Israelite likes this. -
UnrepentantWhiteDevil ('s status on Sunday, 16-Feb-2025 06:43:39 JST UnrepentantWhiteDevil
So, you're either some flavor of brownoid or yet another stupid lefty mudshark White chick. Either way, you're expendable.
You won't be mourned by anyone who matters. -
❄️:padoru: SantaSnekFriend :padoru:❄️ ('s status on Sunday, 16-Feb-2025 06:43:39 JST ❄️:padoru: SantaSnekFriend :padoru:❄️
>You won't be mourned by anyone who matters.
Expendable in the eyes of man, worth enough to send the God-man to die for, in the eyes of God.
Your brand of "White nationalism" is going to die a worse death than either what happened to the Confederacy or the Third Reich. Repent of your evil and turn to the only who can truly save White people, Jesus Christ. -
❄️:padoru: SantaSnekFriend :padoru:❄️ ('s status on Monday, 17-Feb-2025 13:48:05 JST ❄️:padoru: SantaSnekFriend :padoru:❄️
@ArdainianRight @wgiwf There couldn't have been any attempted postbellum reconciliation among the common populace between the Anglo-Celtic South and the Anglo-Germanic North if there was no ethnic and overarching fealty between the two distinct groups. Ardainian Hebrew Israelite likes this.