@p @nimt @netdoll Satanist is from Baraag, though.
@nimt @graf @graf Did you really make a good post if satanist didn't find it and fave it?
@netdoll @nimt The Likes from that account are automated, as well as the follow/unfollow. I think there's some kind of bot for doing that, you see it with a lot of NoAgenda accounts: an account follows you hoping to get your attention and get followed in return, then quietly unfollows some time later. This was a thing on Twitter, too; I don't know why it's so popular with NoAgenda.
@coin @nimt @netdoll Yes, I know; also from, which is a more active account. I was remarking that the bot is following a pattern that you usually see on NAS, though the like-spamming is new.