Louis Condé ('s status on Wednesday, 05-Apr-2023 22:38:15 JST Louis Condé
What made America a superpower was its logistics, in particular allocating its human capital. American dominance in the 20th century was because it had an exceptional system where teachers all across the country knew to look for exceptionally bright students, make note of it, and make sure they got on a pipeline to elite institutions like MIT or Stanford. If you look at a lot of people from places like Bell Labs, they came from small towns you never heard of like Columbus Nebraska, Petoskey Michigan, Farmville Virginia, or Visalia California. This pipeline got disrupted in the 1970s and we were coasting on inertia for some time, and now the pipeline has been completely blown up like Nordstream. This will cause a cascade of calamities as talented White men are frozen out for political reasons. - cool_boy_mew and Kenny Blankenship like this.
- Kenny Blankenship repeated this.
Louis Condé ('s status on Wednesday, 05-Apr-2023 22:38:33 JST Louis Condé
Imagine if William Shockley was alive today and he was stuck stocking shelves in Walmart for 30 hours a week. Kenny Blankenship likes this. -
Sprayfoam_Sal ('s status on Wednesday, 05-Apr-2023 22:39:03 JST Sprayfoam_Sal
@Smirking @LouisConde "Mozart should have been a plumber, thats where the real job growth is." -
Louis Condé ('s status on Wednesday, 05-Apr-2023 22:39:03 JST Louis Condé
@Sprayfoam_Sal @Smirking The thing that makes me so mad is that this is a bullshit line they got from talk radio and have been vomiting out for years, possibly decades, without ever thinking about it for 15 seconds. Kenny Blankenship likes this. -
Smirking ('s status on Wednesday, 05-Apr-2023 22:39:04 JST Smirking
@LouisConde der boomer strikes again -
MiMoRiN-Ка ('s status on Wednesday, 05-Apr-2023 22:39:20 JST MiMoRiN-Ка
interesting! I understand that the US is superb at logistics for invented containerization but didn't know that great at human resourcing.
but how the teachers of US in 1970 can created that worthy network of brightest students ?
supposedly that's not possible unless teachers themselves were expertise and has some connections for top level institutes.Kenny Blankenship repeated this. -
Louis Condé ('s status on Wednesday, 05-Apr-2023 22:39:20 JST Louis Condé
@mimorinka A hundred years ago a high school math teacher in some place like Rawlins Wyoming could notice a boy in their class was a math genius who was already solving Calc problems on his own and interested in science, he would tell the principal. The principal would then most likely send a letter to places like Caltech or MIT telling them about this genius they have and to make a seat available for him. It's actually not that hard to do, people can easily notice a student who is exceptionally gifted if that's what they're actually concerned about Kenny Blankenship likes this. -
Sick Burn, Bro ('s status on Wednesday, 05-Apr-2023 22:39:42 JST Sick Burn, Bro
@Bellerophon @LouisConde they just wanted to keep them out of power, but the monkey's paw is curling. Kenny Blankenship likes this. -
Bellerophon ('s status on Wednesday, 05-Apr-2023 22:39:43 JST Bellerophon
@LouisConde "We won't even let you study to be an engineer to help maintain our evil empire. Wait why are you so hateful and radicalized now??!" -
❄️:padoru: SantaSnekFriend :padoru:❄️ ('s status on Wednesday, 05-Apr-2023 22:39:58 JST ❄️:padoru: SantaSnekFriend :padoru:❄️
@LouisConde The art and culture-creator pipeline in America has been slightly different in history, but its downfall should be similar to the STEM pipeline if we examine it closely.
It's why our artistic output really fucking sucks now. For example, literature, instead of Herman Melville or Mark Twain, we have post-modern, nonsensical, nihilistic, and intellectual masturbation bullshit like Thomas Pynchon or David Foster Wallace or anti-White bullshit like Toni Morrison or Norman (((Mailer))) in American canon. I don't even know if there is any highly excellent lit written by Millennials or Zoomers because the culture for American literature is dead. It's not even necessarily modern tech's fault, but several things else.Kenny Blankenship repeated this. -
Louis Condé ('s status on Wednesday, 05-Apr-2023 22:39:59 JST Louis Condé
@SuperSnekFriend The thing about literature is having a degree is superfluous. How many actually good authors received a college degree in English or Literature? How many hacks do you know have a Masters degree in such? Kenny Blankenship likes this. -
Louis Condé ('s status on Wednesday, 05-Apr-2023 22:46:32 JST Louis Condé
@BasedDojimaDragon @mimorinka That's how college was supposed to work. Everyone knew the bright kids in the class could make something of themselves if they had the chance, the town rallied around them to send them somewhere so they could become an engineer or doctor or whatever instead of stuck doing manual labor. Then college had to be for everyone. Kenny Blankenship likes this.Kenny Blankenship repeated this. -
BasedDojimaDragon ('s status on Wednesday, 05-Apr-2023 22:46:35 JST BasedDojimaDragon
@LouisConde @mimorinka My grandpa did really well in math and chemistry, and from his farm town got a recommendation to go to the local college. From there worked at TVA, and then to NASA. 6-7th kid of 13, but 1st one to graduate. Helped paid for 6 siblings to go to college while raising a family of his own in the 1960s. -
Kenny Blankenship ('s status on Wednesday, 05-Apr-2023 22:55:29 JST Kenny Blankenship
@LouisConde @BasedDojimaDragon @mimorinka The Education Industrial Complex is one of the largest parasitic abominations ever to exist.
1) Get dumb kids who don’t know any better into massive debt
2) Make them spend years on toilet paper degrees.
3) Encourage all sorts of degenerate/dysfunctional behavior during the most important years of their lives.
4) Cause family formation to be delayed to the point many have no families at all.
5) Allow Wall Street to cash in on the whole thing via student loan debt collection efforts.
6) Create an entire caste of useless PMC freaks gorging themselves at the trough.
7) Promote insane societal changes to the detriment of everyone not in the most upper economic class.
Higher Ed delenda est. -
Berlusconi Anime Fever :sonnenrad: ('s status on Thursday, 06-Apr-2023 00:44:33 JST Berlusconi Anime Fever :sonnenrad:
@LouisConde The future is bright. Death to America! Kenny Blankenship likes this. -
:sm64_s::sm64_u::sm64_p::sm64_e::sm64_r: RacistGoku42069 :fbi::cnsp::cianig: ('s status on Friday, 07-Apr-2023 05:38:10 JST :sm64_s::sm64_u::sm64_p::sm64_e::sm64_r: RacistGoku42069 :fbi::cnsp::cianig:
@DW2 @LouisConde @BasedDojimaDragon @mimorinka Entire education system is unsalvageable. It's glorified worksheet daycare camps for niggers who still treat it like a prison yard. Raze the whole thing and only teach the souls worthy of it literacy and arithmetic, advanced studies, etc. Kenny Blankenship likes this.